🇷🇺 Interview by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov to RIA Novosti news agency
❓How do you assess the results of the extraordinary session of the IAEA Board of Governors convened at the initiative of Ukraine?
💬 Indeed, on December 12, Ukraine initiated an extraordinary session of the IAEA Board of Governors on the topic: «Implications of Unstable Energy Infrastructure Critical to Safety and Security of NPPs». We assess the results of this event as unequivocally negative. This is not the first time that the Ukrainian side has acted in Vienna-based international organizations contrary to their mandates, rules and established practices, putting at the forefront not the effective functioning of international structures, but their narrow, purely national interests. Following the event, the resolution proposed by Kiev was approved. The majority of votes in the Board of Governors belongs to Western countries and their supporters. They ensured the adoption of the resolution by 22 votes «in favour». Russia and China voted «against», and 10 countries of the Global South refused to support the resolution by abstaining from voting
❓What goals, in your opinion, did the Ukrainian side pursue by initiating this meeting?
💬 It is quite obvious that the holding of an extraordinary session was aimed at putting pressure on us in connection with Russian strikes on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure, which largely serves the needs of the armed forces and the military-industrial complex of Ukraine
❓What arguments did the Russian delegation make in response to the accusations? Is there understanding and support for the position of the Russian Federation among the Board members?
💬 We have subjected the Ukrainian draft resolution to reasoned criticism. There are two aspects here. The first is that, contrary to the assertions of Kiev and its Western patrons, external energy supply at nuclear power plants has only some, but far from decisive significance in terms of ensuring nuclear safety. The nuclear safety standards developed by the IAEA either do not mention external energy supply at all or assign it a clearly secondary role. I will give a very illustrative example. At one time, the IAEA, together with relevant experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, developed an International Nuclear Event Scale. It contains a classification of malfunctions at nuclear power plants from the first to the seventh level of danger, depending on how significant the negative consequences may be in the event of a particular incident. So, in accordance with this scale, the cessation of external energy supply even for five days is assessed as a zero threat level. That is, the line promoted at the session by Ukraine and the Westerners was based on exaggerated risk assessments and was of a clearly political nature
💬 The second aspect is related to the fact that the IAEA deals with nuclear energy, not electrical energy. In its resolution, Ukraine imposed on the IAEA Secretariat functions that are not characteristic of it, related to the ongoing assessment of the scale of damage caused to the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, including substations. All this goes beyond the IAEA Statute and can be qualified as legal nihilism and abuse of authority of the Board of Governors
💬 It seems that our arguments played an undoubted role in the fact that 12 out of 35 members of the Board, that is, more than a third, refused to support the resolution. As for those who voted «in favour», during a fairly lengthy discussion they were unable to present any convincing counterarguments to the theses we voiced
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❓How do you assess the results of the extraordinary session of the IAEA Board of Governors convened at the initiative of Ukraine?
💬 Indeed, on December 12, Ukraine initiated an extraordinary session of the IAEA Board of Governors on the topic: «Implications of Unstable Energy Infrastructure Critical to Safety and Security of NPPs». We assess the results of this event as unequivocally negative. This is not the first time that the Ukrainian side has acted in Vienna-based international organizations contrary to their mandates, rules and established practices, putting at the forefront not the effective functioning of international structures, but their narrow, purely national interests. Following the event, the resolution proposed by Kiev was approved. The majority of votes in the Board of Governors belongs to Western countries and their supporters. They ensured the adoption of the resolution by 22 votes «in favour». Russia and China voted «against», and 10 countries of the Global South refused to support the resolution by abstaining from voting
❓What goals, in your opinion, did the Ukrainian side pursue by initiating this meeting?
💬 It is quite obvious that the holding of an extraordinary session was aimed at putting pressure on us in connection with Russian strikes on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure, which largely serves the needs of the armed forces and the military-industrial complex of Ukraine
❓What arguments did the Russian delegation make in response to the accusations? Is there understanding and support for the position of the Russian Federation among the Board members?
💬 We have subjected the Ukrainian draft resolution to reasoned criticism. There are two aspects here. The first is that, contrary to the assertions of Kiev and its Western patrons, external energy supply at nuclear power plants has only some, but far from decisive significance in terms of ensuring nuclear safety. The nuclear safety standards developed by the IAEA either do not mention external energy supply at all or assign it a clearly secondary role. I will give a very illustrative example. At one time, the IAEA, together with relevant experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, developed an International Nuclear Event Scale. It contains a classification of malfunctions at nuclear power plants from the first to the seventh level of danger, depending on how significant the negative consequences may be in the event of a particular incident. So, in accordance with this scale, the cessation of external energy supply even for five days is assessed as a zero threat level. That is, the line promoted at the session by Ukraine and the Westerners was based on exaggerated risk assessments and was of a clearly political nature
💬 The second aspect is related to the fact that the IAEA deals with nuclear energy, not electrical energy. In its resolution, Ukraine imposed on the IAEA Secretariat functions that are not characteristic of it, related to the ongoing assessment of the scale of damage caused to the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, including substations. All this goes beyond the IAEA Statute and can be qualified as legal nihilism and abuse of authority of the Board of Governors
💬 It seems that our arguments played an undoubted role in the fact that 12 out of 35 members of the Board, that is, more than a third, refused to support the resolution. As for those who voted «in favour», during a fairly lengthy discussion they were unable to present any convincing counterarguments to the theses we voiced
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