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Гео и язык канала
Россия, Русский
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Re: I can't use my number pad for 2FA codes

I really hate how modern developers try to reinvent forms. They always, always get it worse than the basic OS/HTML forms we've had for decades. Those dead stupid, simple forms were highly accessible, very performant, and easy to understand.

It seems like forgotten information, but all of these computer interfaces that were invented in the 80s and 90s were built by doctorate level professionals who spent years thinking about these things. Why do all these bozos who took a six month code boot camp (or at best, finished a four year degree with a 2.9 GPA) think the ten minutes they spent thinking about it lead to some brilliant insight?

thesuitonym, 2 hours ago

В процессе родилась идея - канал со старыми добрыми мемами из доковидной эпохи. Два правила - а) картинка должна быть забавной и б) она сделана до 31.03.2020
Создал отдельный канал тут, лайк шер сабскрайб: https://t.me/precovidmemes

Случайно открыл портал в ад импортнул в Immich с нейронкой кучу старых мемов вместе с фотками, и теперь кекаю с того, что получилось.
Вот например результаты поиска по "red flag" - кековые древние тиндер-скрины вместе со скриншотами\мемами из 2016

Репост из: Un poco di peste
очередной раз споткнулся о то, что у нас нет нормального эквивалента для "бастарда" (а у Приама они воюют чуть не отдельным полком, так что мне постоянно надо), надыбал статью Ананьевой "Некоторые названия внебрачного ребенка в русском языке", дошел до слова "приёбыш", решил, что хватит с меня на сегодня борьбы с языком.

Репост из: яркие и красочные сны
Please consider the environment before printing this email. If you have any further questions, please do not contact me.

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mood мужская дисперсия😍
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god save переход на летнее время ❤️
ррраз и уже темнеет в 9 вечера!

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>Contemporary Ritual Mask. Ouagadougou


hayst4ck 3 hours ago | next [–]

I've started to bring up Admiral Rickover's speech Doing a Job in all of the Boeing threads because he is just so relevant. Admiral Rickover was the man responsible for America having nuclear submarines.


The speech is well worth a read in its entirety and it feels prescient in regards to Boeing. I think this paragraph more than any other hits at the core problem at Boeing:

> Unless the individual truly responsible can be identified when something goes wrong, no one has really been responsible. With the advent of modern management theories it is becoming common for organizations to deal with problems in a collective manner, by dividing programs into subprograms, with no one left responsible for the entire effort. There is also the tendency to establish more and more levels of management, on the theory that this gives better control. These are but different forms of shared responsibility, which easily lead to no one being responsible—a problems that often inheres in large corporations as well as in the Defense Department.

Репост из: Михаил Булгаков. Лайфстайл
Скучаю по своим.

1922 год, 24 марта
30 лет

Напоминаю, что в Рязани - грибы с глазами 🌚

Репост из: PEACE DIM

Если у вас есть залоченные акции на МОЕХ - чекните счёт! У меня оказывается разблокировались $ облигации EVRAZ 🥳

Репост из: HN Best Comments
Re: Intel puts 1nm process (10A) on the roadmap for 20...

Story time: I worked on Google Fiber. I believed in the project and it did a lot of good work but here, ultimately, was the problem: leadership couldn't decide if the future of Internet delivery was wired or wireless. If it was wireless then an investment of billions of dollars might be made valueless. If it was wired and the company pursued wireless, then this would also lose.

But here's the thing: if you decide to do neither then you definitely lose. But, more importantly, no executive would lose their head from making a wrong decision. It's one of these situations where doing anything, even the wrong thing, is better than doing nothing because doing nothing will definitely lose.

Intel's 10nm process seemed like a similar kind of inflection point. Back in the mid-2010s it wasn't clear what the future of lithography would be. Was it EUV? Was in X-ray lithography? Something else? Intel seemed unable to commit. I bet no executive wanted to put their ass on the line and be wrong. So Intel loses to ASML and TSMC but it's OK because all the executives kept getting paid.

I forget the exact timelines but Intel's 10nm transition was first predicted in 2014 (?) and it got delayed at least 5 years. Prior to this, Intel's process improvements were its secret weapon. It constantly stayed ahead of the competition. There were hiccups though, most notably the Pentium 4 transition in the Gigahertz race (only saved by the Pentium 3 -> Centrino -> Core architecture transition) and pushing EPIC/Itanium where they got killed by Athlon 64 and it's x86_64 architecture.

I see the same problems at Boeing: once engineering-driven people companies get taken over by finance leeches. This usually follows an actual or virtual monopoly, just as Steve Jobs described [1].

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGKsbt5wii0

cletus, 1 day ago

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