
Kanal geosi va tili: Rossiya, Ruscha

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⬆️ Хочу TikTok с возможностью выложить видео, постить фото в комментарии для Android/сертификат iOS @TikTokMod_Bot
💼Реклама/Advertising @tommyhellatigr

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Kanal geosi va tili
Rossiya, Ruscha
Postlar filtri


TikTok, подписанный новым сертификатом: «iPhone Distribution: SCARLET programs Co., Ltd»


Работает только с подпиской на канал @scarlet_programs

⬇️🌐TikTok DARK [34.0.0]
⬇️🌐TikTok BH [34.0.0]
⬇️🌐TikTok LRD [34.0.0]
⬇️🌐TikTok DL [34.2.0]

📤📤📤📤📤📤📤 📤 📤 📤📤

📣 Поставь реакцию и расскажи друзьям о ссылке на новый рабочий тик ток

❌Все сертификаты отозваны

🙂В честь этого мы решили сделать акцию на сертификат 🔷 Standard 🔷 в размере ~40%

🔔А также на сертификат 🔶 Double 🔶 действует скидка 30%
Купить 👉 @TikTokMod_Bot
Акция ограничена

😗 Новый сертификат для TikTok

🔽 Прямая установка по кнопкам в посте

🍏 Сертификат:
🟢 Sunshine Insurance Group Co

😗 TikTok DARK 34.0.0
😗 TikTok LRD 34.0.0
😗 TikTok BH 34.0.0

🏦 Тинькофф
🏦 АльфаБанк

🎵 Яндекс Музыка Premium
🎵 Spotify Premium
💬 VK Reborn (Взлом подписки на музыку)
📷 Instagram BH

❤️ Scarlet


⚙️ Исправление вылетов

Как установить? Смотри видео

⚠️ Если слетает, отключите WiFi и сотовые данные на минуту, запустите ТТ и потом включите WiFi и сотовые данные

⚠️ Если появляется «ненадежный разработчик» откройте Настройки>Основные>VPN и Управление устройством>Доверять

🙂 Добавьте реакцию на этот пост
😀 Поделитесь с друзьями

😀 Мы сможем оповещать вас первыми о выходе нового сертификата в историях, если вы проголосуете за наш канал!

TikTok Plugin 1.33
- Option for matching post's region with selected region (Don't show post's that are not related to selected region)
- Option for hide ads from trending list in discover section
- Option for disable playing videos in loop behavior
- Option for hide live streams from feed
- Option for hide post captions from everywhere
- Option for force Clear Display
- Option for hide long posts (with custom length) from feed
- Ability to change download directory
- Ability to make keyword blocklist for captions (Post's with specific words will not appear in feed)
- Remove Video, Pictures & GIF watermark options
- Ability to bypass duet & stitch privacy settings
- Theme switcher for plugin
- Accent color accent selection for plugin
- Monet support (Material You)
- Added new speeds in playback speed option (1.25x, 1.5x, 2.25x, 2.5x, 3x)
- Option for downloading videos without sound (Mute videos will save with mute.mp4 prefix)
- Option for changing font style (Currently support 4 new font + default)
- Option for changing ui colors like main bottom background color
- Added ability to reset plugin settings (Menu > Reset)
- Added ability to backup plugin settings (Menu > Backup)
- Added ability to save TikTok drafts (Menu > Load config from TikTok)
- Added ability to choose language plugin settings (Menu > Language)
- Open browser link's in TikTok
- Emergency login
- TikTok Web

- Как с
качать с LinkLocker!
- How t
o download from LinkLocker!
- 停下来,点
'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103415' rel='nofollow'>我!

What's new in this update?
- Synch
onized translations with Crowdin

TikTokMod 34.3.3
- Removed all ads
- Made video, GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok folder instead of DCIM/Camera and pictures to Pictures/TikTok
- Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any video
- Removed many other restrictions
- Disabled unnecessary activities
- Removed restrictions on duets, stitching
- Rewind is now available in any video
- Battery drain optimization
- Removed regional restrictions
- Fixed Google authorization
- Fixed Facebook authorization
- Fixed Twitter authorization
- Enabled High Quality Audio for live steams
- Enabled High Quality Video for live streams
- Enabled HD Video upload button
- Disabled InAppBillingService
- Disabled all types of Analytics
- Disabled mandatory login
- Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file
- Monet app icon for Android 13+
- Added playback speed selection button for all videos
- Changed the friends tab to discover as it was before
- Disabled data collection and sending to the TikTok server
- Added autoscroll button on FYP page
- Added partly dark mode which can be turned on if u use specific firmwares like MIUI/HyperOS
- Bypassing the prohibition to record the screen of live stream, the author of which prohibited to do it (previously it was a black screen)
- Bypassing the 60 second limit for live stream (When you attend a stream TikTok gives you 60 seconds to preview the live stream, after that the live stream only works for subscribers)

'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103413' rel='nofollow'>- 停下来,点击我!

What's new in this update?
- Squashed bugs for better experience

Из-за катастрофически большого размера TikTok я вынужден выложить файл в формате HTML
Чтобы получить мод, просто откройте скачанный файл в любом браузере!
Due to the disastrously large size of TikTok I have to upload it in HTML
To get mod just open the downloaded file in any browser!

😗 Новый сертификат для TikTok

🔽 Прямая установка по кнопкам в посте

🍏 Сертификат:
🟢 Sunshine Insurance Group Co

😗 TikTok DARK 34.0.0
😗 TikTok LRD 34.0.0
😗 TikTok BH 34.0.0

🏦 Тинькофф
🎵 Яндекс Музыка


⚙️ Исправление вылетов

⚠️ Если слетает, отключите WiFi и сотовые данные на минуту, запустите ТТ и потом включите WiFi и сотовые данные

⚠️ Если появляется «ненадежный разработчик» откройте Настройки>Основные>VPN и Управление устройством>Доверять

🙂 Добавьте реакцию на этот пост
😀 Поделитесь с друзьями

😀 Мы сможем оповещать вас первыми о выходе нового сертификата в историях, если вы проголосуете за наш канал!

TikTok Plugin 1.32
- Option for matching post's region with selected region (Don't show post's that are not related to selected region)
- Option for hide ads from trending list in discover section
- Option for disable playing videos in loop behavior
- Option for hide live streams from feed
- Option for hide post captions from everywhere
- Option for force Clear Display
- Option for hide long posts (with custom length) from feed
- Ability to change download directory
- Ability to make keyword blocklist for captions (Post's with specific words will not appear in feed)
- Remove Video, Pictures & GIF watermark options
- Ability to bypass duet & stitch privacy settings
- Theme switcher for plugin
- Accent color accent selection for plugin
- Monet support (Material You)
- Added new speeds in playback speed option (1.25x, 1.5x, 2.25x, 2.5x, 3x)
- Option for downloading videos without sound (Mute videos will save with mute.mp4 prefix)
- Option for changing font style (Currently support 4 new font + default)
- Option for changing ui colors like main bottom background color
- Added ability to reset plugin settings (Menu > Reset)
- Added ability to backup plugin settings (Menu > Backup)
- Added ability to save TikTok drafts (Menu > Load config from TikTok)
- Added ability to choose language plugin settings (Menu > Language)
- Open browser link's in TikTok
- Emergency login
- TikTok Web

- Как с
качать с LinkLocker!
- How t
o download from LinkLocker!
- 停下来,点
'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103415' rel='nofollow'>我!

What's new in this update?
- Synch
onized translations with Crowdin

TikTokMod 34.2.3
- Removed all ads
- Made video, GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok folder instead of DCIM/Camera and pictures to Pictures/TikTok
- Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any video
- Removed many other restrictions
- Disabled unnecessary activities
- Removed restrictions on duets, stitching
- Rewind is now available in any video
- Battery drain optimization
- Removed regional restrictions
- Fixed Google authorization
- Fixed Facebook authorization
- Fixed Twitter authorization
- Enabled High Quality Audio for live steams
- Enabled High Quality Video for live streams
- Enabled HD Video upload button
- Disabled InAppBillingService
- Disabled all types of Analytics
- Disabled mandatory login
- Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file
- Added ability to download profile pictures
- Monet app icon for Android 13+
- Added playback speed selection button for all videos
- Changed the friends tab to discover as it was before
- Disabled data collection and sending to the TikTok server
- Added autoscroll button on FYP page
- Added partly dark mode which can be turned on if u use specific firmwares like MIUI/HyperOS
- Bypassing the prohibition to record the screen of live stream, the author of which prohibited to do it (previously it was a black screen)
- Bypassing the 60 second limit for live stream (When you attend a stream TikTok gives you 60 seconds to preview the live stream, after that the live stream only works for subscribers)

'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103413' rel='nofollow'>- 停下来,点击我!

What's new in this update?
- Quickly find and tag your friends in comments
- Lite and Multi are combined in a single package for universal use

Из-за катастрофически большого размера TikTok я вынужден выложить файл в формате HTML
Чтобы получить мод, просто откройте скачанный файл в любом браузере!
Due to the disastrously large size of TikTok I have to upload it in HTML
To get mod just open the downloaded file in any browser!

483k 546 2.9k 1.4k

Наш отчёт о сборе и отправке средств в фонд красный крест
Данная сумма была набрана вами с покупки мода, а также отдельными пожертвованиями предназначенными для фонда

TikTokMod 34.1.4
- Removed all ads
- Made video, GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok folder instead of DCIM/Camera and pictures to Pictures/TikTok
- Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any video
- Removed many other restrictions
- Disabled unnecessary activities
- Removed restrictions on duets, stitching
- Rewind is now available in any video
- Battery drain optimization
- Removed regional restrictions
- Fixed Google authorization
- Fixed Facebook authorization
- Fixed Twitter authorization
- Enabled High Quality Audio for live steams
- Enabled High Quality Video for live streams
- Enabled HD Video upload button
- Disabled InAppBillingService
- Disabled all types of Analytics
- Disabled mandatory login
- Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file
- Added ability to download profile pictures
- Monet app icon for Android 13+
- Added playback speed selection button for all videos
- Changed the friends tab to discover as it was before
- Disabled data collection and sending to the TikTok server
- Added autoscroll button on FYP page
- Added partly dark mode which can be turned on if u use specific firmwares like MIUI/HyperOS
- Bypassing the prohibition to record the screen of live stream, the author of which prohibited to do it (previously it was a black screen)
- Bypassing the 60 second limit for live stream (When you attend a stream TikTok gives you 60 seconds to preview the live stream, after that the live stream only works for subscribers)

'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103413' rel='nofollow'>- 停下来,点击我!

What's new in this update?
- Add the latest stickers to your videos

Из-за катастрофически большого размера TikTok я вынужден выложить файл в формате HTML
Чтобы получить мод, просто откройте скачанный файл в любом браузере!
Due to the disastrously large size of TikTok I have to upload it in HTML
To get mod just open the downloaded file in any browser!

😗 Новый сертификат для TikTok

🔽 Прямая установка по кнопкам в посте

🍏 Сертификат:

😗 TikTok DARK 34.0.0
😗 TikTok LRD 34.0.0
😗 TikTok BH 34.0.0

🏦 Тинькофф
🎵 Яндекс Музыка


⚙️ Исправление вылетов

⚠️ Если слетает, отключите WiFi и сотовые данные на минуту, запустите ТТ и потом включите WiFi и сотовые данные

⚠️ Если появляется «ненадежный разработчик» откройте Настройки>Основные>VPN и Управление устройством>Доверять

🙂 Добавьте реакцию на этот пост
😀 Поделитесь с друзьями

😀 Мы сможем оповещать вас первыми о выходе нового сертификата в историях, если вы проголосуете за наш канал!

TikTokMod 34.1.3
- Removed all ads
- Made video, GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok folder instead of DCIM/Camera and pictures to Pictures/TikTok
- Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any video
- Removed many other restrictions
- Disabled unnecessary activities
- Removed restrictions on duets, stitching
- Rewind is now available in any video
- Battery drain optimization
- Removed regional restrictions
- Fixed Google authorization
- Fixed Facebook authorization
- Fixed Twitter authorization
- Enabled High Quality Audio for live steams
- Enabled High Quality Video for live streams
- Enabled HD Video upload button
- Disabled InAppBillingService
- Disabled all types of Analytics
- Disabled mandatory login
- Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file
- Added ability to download profile pictures
- Monet app icon for Android 13+
- Added playback speed selection button for all videos
- Changed the friends tab to discover as it was before
- Disabled data collection and sending to the TikTok server
- Added autoscroll button on FYP page
- Added partly dark mode which can be turned on if u use specific firmwares like MIUI/HyperOS
- Bypassing the prohibition to record the screen of live stream, the author of which prohibited to do it (previously it was a black screen)
- Bypassing the 60 second limit for live stream (When you attend a stream TikTok gives you 60 seconds to preview the live stream, after that the live stream only works for subscribers)

'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103413' rel='nofollow'>- 停下来,点击我!

What's new in this update?
- Add the latest stickers to your videos

Из-за катастрофически большого размера TikTok я вынужден выложить файл в формате HTML
Чтобы получить мод, просто откройте скачанный файл в любом браузере!
Due to the disastrously large size of TikTok I have to upload it in HTML
To get mod just open the downloaded file in any browser!

❌Сертификат отозван

В честь этого мы решили сделать акцию на сертификат 🔷 Standard 🔷 в размере 38%
Купить 👉 @TikTokMod_Bot

‼️ Эта статья была написана командой @TikTokModCloud ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ @TikTokMod_Bot — бота для покупки приватного мода TikTok.
💬 На связи с вами @TikTokModCloud, и мы к вам — с важными новостями.
⚠️ История России пополнилась днем траура — 24.03.2024.
Вчера, 22.03 вечером, произошел ужасный террористический акт - в ТЦ Crocus City Hall (Москва, Россия) произошла зверская резня и пожар, который унес жизни более 100 человек и ранил вдвое больше людей. И этот список пополняется до сих пор.
Наша команда скорбит вместе с вами. Мы желаем упокоения души всем погибшим, всем раненым - скорейшего выздоровления, а террористам - высшего достойного наказания.
Мы решили не оставаться в стороне и помочь жертвам этого кровавого теракта и призываем к этому остальных. В ваших силах также можно им помочь!
Поэтому, мы обьявляем следующее:
1. Мы будем отправлять добровольные пожертвования организации "Российский Красный Крест" (кликабельно).
2. Все добровольные пожертвования в нашем боте по кнопке " Помочь " будут отсылаться туда в 100% объеме.
3. При покупке нашего приватного мода либо услуг с ним связанных - мы будем отправлять 10% от суммы вашей покупки в фонд благотворительности выше.
Касаемо других товаров - если будут уточнения, ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО оповестим.
4. В связи со всеми этими событиями нам придется временно понизить % реферальной системы с 15 до 7. Как минимум до конца месяца марта. Просим отнестись к этому с пониманием.

TikTok Plugin 1.31
- Option for matching post's region with selected region (Don't show post's that are not related to selected region)
- Option for hide ads from trending list in discover section
- Option for disable playing videos in loop behavior
- Option for hide live streams from feed
- Option for hide post captions from everywhere
- Option for force Clear Display
- Option for hide long posts (with custom length) from feed
- Ability to change download directory
- Ability to make keyword blocklist for captions (Post's with specific words will not appear in feed)
- Remove Video, Pictures & GIF watermark options
- Ability to bypass duet & stitch privacy settings
- Theme switcher for plugin
- Accent color accent selection for plugin
- Monet support (Material You)
- Added new speeds in playback speed option (1.25x, 1.5x, 2.25x, 2.5x, 3x)
- Option for downloading videos without sound (Mute videos will save with mute.mp4 prefix)
- Option for changing font style (Currently support 4 new font + default)
- Option for changing ui colors like main bottom background color
- Added ability to reset plugin settings (Menu > Reset)
- Added ability to backup plugin settings (Menu > Backup)
- Added ability to save TikTok drafts (Menu > Load config from TikTok)
- Added ability to choose language plugin settings (Menu > Language)
- Open browser link's in TikTok
- Emergency login
- TikTok Web

- Как с
качать с LinkLocker!
- How t
o download from LinkLocker!
- 停下来,点
'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103415' rel='nofollow'>我!

What's new in this update?
- Synch
onized translations with Crowdin
- Added "internalOnly" flag for application installation

TikTokMod 34.0.3
- Removed all ads
- Made video, GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok folder instead of DCIM/Camera and pictures to Pictures/TikTok
- Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any video
- Removed many other restrictions
- Disabled unnecessary activities
- Removed restrictions on duets, stitching
- Rewind is now available in any video
- Battery drain optimization
- Removed regional restrictions
- Fixed Google authorization
- Fixed Facebook authorization
- Fixed Twitter authorization
- Enabled High Quality Audio for live steams
- Enabled High Quality Video for live streams
- Enabled HD Video upload button
- Disabled InAppBillingService
- Disabled all types of Analytics
- Disabled mandatory login
- Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file
- Added ability to download profile pictures
- Monet app icon for Android 13+
- Added playback speed selection button for all videos
- Changed the friends tab to discover as it was before
- Disabled data collection and sending to the TikTok server
- Added autoscroll button on FYP page
- Added partly dark mode which can be turned on if u use specific firmwares like MIUI/HyperOS
- Bypassing the prohibition to record the screen of live stream, the author of which prohibited to do it (previously it was a black screen)
- Bypassing the 60 second limit for live stream (When you attend a stream TikTok gives you 60 seconds to preview the live stream, after that the live stream only works for subscribers)

'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103413' rel='nofollow'>- 停下来,点击我!

What's new in this update?
- Add the latest stickers to your videos
- Added "internalOnly" flag for application installation

Из-за катастрофически большого размера TikTok я вынужден выложить файл в формате HTML
Чтобы получить мод, просто откройте скачанный файл в любом браузере!
Due to the disastrously large size of TikTok I have to upload it in HTML
To get mod just open the downloaded file in any browser!

688k 675 5.9k 1.7k

TikTok Plugin 1.30
- Option for matching post's region with selected region (Don't show post's that are not related to selected region)
- Option for hide ads from trending list in discover section
- Option for disable playing videos in loop behavior
- Option for hide live streams from feed
- Option for hide post captions from everywhere
- Option for force Clear Display
- Option for hide long posts (with custom length) from feed
- Ability to change download directory
- Ability to make keyword blocklist for captions (Post's with specific words will not appear in feed)
- Remove Video, Pictures & GIF watermark options
- Ability to bypass duet & stitch privacy settings
- Theme switcher for plugin
- Accent color accent selection for plugin
- Monet support (Material You)
- Added new speeds in playback speed option (1.25x, 1.5x, 2.25x, 2.5x, 3x)
- Option for downloading videos without sound (Mute videos will save with mute.mp4 prefix)
- Option for changing font style (Currently support 4 new font + default)
- Option for changing ui colors like main bottom background color
- Added ability to reset plugin settings (Menu > Reset)
- Added ability to backup plugin settings (Menu > Backup)
- Added ability to save TikTok drafts (Menu > Load config from TikTok)
- Added ability to choose language plugin settings (Menu > Language)
- Open browser link's in TikTok
- Emergency login
- TikTok Web

- Как с
качать с LinkLocker!
- How t
o download from LinkLocker!
- 停下来,点
'https://t.me/TikTokModChatCN/20735/103415' rel='nofollow'>我!

What's new in this update?
- Synch
onized translations with Crowdin

852k 459 1.9k 1.2k
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.