Kanal geosi va tili: Rossiya, Ruscha

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Creator of the channel is a professional EFL Teacher.

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Kanal geosi va tili
Rossiya, Ruscha
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Xush kelibsiz, Shivam

Xush kelibsiz, anirudh

Xush kelibsiz, Hazel

Xush kelibsiz, sultanboyevam

Xush kelibsiz, Nur

Xush kelibsiz, Mk

🙃🙃🙃#vocabulary #useful #writing #speaking

Phrasal verbs (collocations) with "Do"

➡️Do your best - eng yaxshi ishni qilmoq
➡️Do the dishes - idishni yuvmoq
➡️Do your homework - uy vazifangizni bajarmoq
➡️Do a favor - yordam bermoq
➡️Do exercise - mashq qilmoq
➡️Do the talking - gapirishni boshqarmoq
➡️Do research - tadqiqot qilmoq
➡️Do a project - loyiha bajarmoq
➡️Do the right thing - to'g'ri ish qilmoq
➡️Do your job - vazifangizni bajarmoq
➡️Do a presentation - prezidentatsiya tayyorlamoq
➡️Do a survey - so'rovnoma o'tkazmoq
➡️Do well - yaxshi natijaga ega bo'lmoq

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Phonics song for kids


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Joke time😊😄😄


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.