UnManifest History

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

Incredible mind-stirring facts
Questions & suggestions @IUdzhin96

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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In Argentina, a local farmer has discovered four giant fossilized armadillos.

The find was made in 2020 near the Vallimanca River in San Carlos de Bolivar.
These ancient animals weighed up to 1.5 tons. They are thought to have become extinct 10,000 years ago during the Ice Age.

What they looked like is shown on the last slide.
But what's strange about this find is this. For some reason, a whole group of animals got trapped in the ground and fossilized.

Did they fall into a swampy area or the river was a mudflow, from which they did not have time to escape? I also wonder why the carcasses were preserved.

What processes led to the fossilization? For some reason, bacteria and protozoa did not process the organics of the tissue.

It's likely that the fossilization process was rapid, too. Fossilization can be compared to cementation, when organics are soaked in mineral solution and crystallize.

So the place where the armadillos ended up wasn't just a swampy area.

This highly controversial satellite photo of Earth is claimed by insider sources to have been taken in 1972 by US orbiters.

It shows the actual shape of our world and the cell where we live.

It shows the legendary ice wall and stone barrier that monolithically surrounds our cell and keeps out other territories...

Very similar to the U.N. emblem. What do you think?

Wooden screed in megalithic masonry of Machu Picchu.

In previous publications once showed a wooden element that became visible in the internal structure of the masonry of one of the buildings.

Probably, the masonry spread after a powerful earthquake. I found this structure with a perspective from two sides.

You can see the wood inside and out. So it's not a fake.
The tree could have been stuck into the rock if the rock was plastic at the time.

This fact confirms the plasticine technology of concrete or geocrete construction. A border of extruded material is visible along the edges of the screed.

For some reason only one tourist with a camera paid attention to this detail.

Seattle, 20th century.

That's an amazingly rare photo. I wonder if there are still people left who think and believe that it is the cultural layer that has buried old buildings all over the world.

Most likely we are dealing with some natural worldwide cataclysm that caused the surface of our planet to be covered with a multi-meter layer of clay.

The ruins of the ancient city of Tiwanaku are located 15 km from Lake Titicaca.

The place is hard to reach and European researchers began to excavate here only in 1930. The level of the ground, on which the central temple was brought can be estimated from the photos - about 2 m.

Archaeologists believe that it is a semi-subterranean temple. It is also called the Temple of stone heads.

What element buried (and before it, probably, destroyed) the ancient city here too? The impression is that a stream of water ran through this valley.

What was the source of the water?

Another version is that volcanic ash fell out, mixed with water, which we take for clay.

The red color of the ash was in the eruption of volcano Shiveluch.

Another object in Tiwanaku is the Gates of the Sun.

In 2000, a sarcophagus with a mummy and the inscription "I am the daughter of the great king Xerxes was discovered in Pakistan. I am Radogon."

Archaeologists immediately called a press conference with the media, where one of the most respected archaeologists of Islamabad, Ahmat Hasan Dani, spoke and announced that the mummy was a princess who lived about 600 BC.

In 2020, the mummy was exhibited at the National Museum of Pakistan. American archaeologist Oscar Muscarella wanted to verify the antiquity of the exhibit with the help of independent scientists and forensic experts from Europe.

The verdict: a forgery made by Pakistani craftsmen a couple of years ago.

The American Muscarella took the noble initiative to check the age of other antiquities, including items from ancient Egypt, but Egyptian authorities issued a categorical ban.

Muscarella offered his help to the Turkish authorities and stumbled upon an identical response.

Right, we don't need real history, we need tourist flow.

Ghosts of the past

Waffen-CC recruits posing by the pool at the barracks of the SS division "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" in Lichterfeld, a suburb of Berlin, 1942 and today.

And a monument at the entrance to the division barracks in 1945.

"The Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler was created in 1933 as the personal guard of the Führer and reported to him until the beginning of World War II.

This Division was a tactical reserve and operated in the most difficult sections of the front.

It was transferred between the eastern and western fronts seven times.

According to the number of knights of the Knight's Cross the division was among the leaders among the military units of the Third Reich.

It had committed war crimes and was repeatedly defeated with the loss of 70% of its personnel.

It was defeated in Hungary in 1945.

On June 24, 1945, in Moscow on Red Square after the Victory Parade, the standard of the division was first thrown into the fire.

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