Everscale SDK / Graphql API / Dev Tools

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Категория: Криптовалюты

Here you can find news about
- Everscale SDK
- Evercloud Graphql API
- local blockchain Evernode-SE
Forum, useful links: https://forum.freeton.org/t/sdk-useful-links/7824

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Россия, Английский
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Dear Evercloud users.
Lately some of you have been experiencing problems with subscriptions. The team is aware of the problem and doing its best to solve it.
Thank you for your patience.

⚡️ Dear Venom Testnet developers!

We have just transited 30% of venom-testnet requests to the new V1 backend with separate archive blocks and transactions access.

If you encountered any issues, please check that you migrated your application https://docs.evercloud.dev/reference/breaking-changes/migration-guides/graphql-api-1.0-migration.

⚡️ Dear Venom Testnet developers!

This week, we are beginning the gradual migration to GraphQL API version 1.

You can find the migration guide here and the deprecation schedule here.

Additionally, you can test out your migrated queries ahead of time on the temporary endpoint here.

Note: Along with the new API features, the temporary endpoint still supports the boc, data, and code fields in the accounts collection. However, they will be deprecated with the final migration. Therefore, don't forget to rewrite any queries dependent on them to use the new API as outlined in the migration guide.

Venom testnet endpoints are experiencing some degradation of response time. Working on fixing the issue.

🔥 Newest Evercloud Dashboard release brings new features

We are happy to announce that Evercloud Dashboard has been updated with new features focused on analytics and general user friendliness.


- Project Analytics.
Now you can review recent project usage and requests statistics on a separate tab of your project page.

- Requests explorer.
You can explore the requests history of your projects, filter it by multiple parameters, such as time, status etc. This will help you better understand how your project works with Evercloud and possibly how to improve it.

- Usage page.
Compute points statistics of thee whole account for the current month is now available on the Usage page of the Dashboard.

- Feature request button.
That's right, if you think there's an important feature missing, you now have an easy way to let us know.

- Announcements bar.
We have added a top bar with important announcements. Now you won't miss significant updates to Evercloud or the Dashboard. And by the way, do not forget to check out the upcoming API 1.0 migration announcement that it displays right now.

Check out the new dashboard at dashboard.evercloud.dev

01.09.23 GraphQL API V0 -> V1 migration 🔧

Dear Evercloud users!

GraphQL API V0 -> V1 transition is coming, starting from Venom Testnet and then followed by the other supported networks.

Please, check the deprecation schedule and migration guide. Migration is already available on all networks!

You can test your migration on a TEMPORARY Venom testnet endpoint https://venom-testnet.evercloud.dev/v1/graphql

01.09.23 GraphQL API V0 -> V1 migration 🔧

Dear Evercloud users!

GraphQL API V0 -> V1 transition is coming in the end of the summer 2023, starting from Venom Testnet and then followed by the other supported networks.

Please, check the deprecation schedule and migration guide. Migration is already available on all networks!

Dear Venom Testnet App developers!
Testnet update is coming tomorrow 27.06.2023.
Kindly ask you to update your applications to ever-sdk 1.43.3 version, older versions will be incompatible.

We are experiencing some API degradation, we are investigating the issue

There is a problem with messages delivery in mainnet and devnet after the last validators update. We are investigating the issue. Will keep you posted.

Release SDK 1.43


- network.network_retries_count config parameter is finally deprecated and not used in SDK.
max_reconnect_timeout is used instead
- Message monitoring errors received by subscription are returned from
processing.fetch_next_monitor_results function
- Message monitor buffers new messages for delayed start of the subscription. New subscription
starts when 1 second has passed since the last addition or when 5 seconds has passed since last sending
- Message monitor uses more than one subscription.
- Version of ton_types upped to 2.0.0
- Fixed code for changed dependencies api
- Removed logic related to client-server clock sync
- boc.encode_tvc and boc.decode_tvc are renamed to boc.encode_state_init
and boc.decode_state_init.
- boc.decode_tvc decodes TVC BOC according to the TVC spec.
- DeploySet.tvc supports new TVC file format (according to new TVC spec).
Old tvc files (with serialized state init) are also supported.
- DeploySet.state_init allows to specify serialized state init.
- DeploySet.code allows to construct state init from provided serialized code.
- DeploySet's fields tvc, state_init and code are mutually exclusive (so you should
provide value for one of these fields).
- ProcessingEvent::MessageExpired is sent to callback in case of retry in processing.process_message

Release Evernode-SE 0.38.0


- Added node time mode seq – sequential. In this mode node produces single block for
each transaction. All blocks have gen_utime equals to the gen_utime of the previous
block + 1 sec.
Use /se/seq-mode-on endpoint to turn the mode on.
Read more in SE live control (REST API) section
- New forward fee config from Everscale mainnet.


- Internal structure was simplified.
- TonNodeEngine was isolated from API services.
- Added MemDocumentsDb – to use TonNodeEngine without ArangoDB but with access to produced parsed artefacts.
- Added ShardStorage based on the single and simple KVStorage as a shardstate internal storage instead of four independent storages.
- Added MemStorage and FSStorage as two main shard storage implementations.
- Added TonEngine.time with responsibility for a block time management.
- TonNodeEngine can be used as an in-memory blockchain emulator. It is useful for example for smart contract testing.

Release SDK 1.42.0


- Added message monitoring functions to the processing module: monitor_messages,
fetch_next_monitor_results, get_monitor_info, cancel_monitor****.
- Added processing.send_messages function.
- Improved error resolving for deleted accounts
- net.first_remp_status_timeout config parameter default value set to 1 ms in order to start
fallback scenario together with REMP statuses processing while REMP is not properly tuned yet.
- Network errors are returned on subscription creation if occured


- ParamsOfSubscribe was not public.
- subscribe did not trim subscription query text. It is required for some graphql servers
expecting that query text starts from operation text.

Репост из: TON Labs
Attention all talented IT professionals! 🔥🔥🔥
EverX team is expanding and is currently seeking a highly motivated Senior QA Engineer!

We are searching for individual who is passionate about their work and has a strong background in IT. You should also be able to work collaboratively within a team. If you are an expert in quality assurance and thrive on challenging projects, we have exciting opportunities for you!

You can find more details about the vacancy here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7036642098355318784

If you are interested in applying for this exciting opportunity, please send us your CV and a cover letter outlining your skills and experience. Contact - a.iugova@ton.surf (Anastasia)

We look forward to hearing from you!

Release evernode-se 0.37.0


- Produces masterchain block for each workchain block.
- Added ability to update blockchain config with node restart (without killing the database). After changing the config stop and start the node to apply it. It will produce new key block from the new config.
- CapSignatureWithId capability is supported: global_id parameter is used as a signature_id if CapSignatureWithId cap is turned
on in the blockchain config.

- global_id parameter in ton-node.conf.json is written into blocks.


- CapSignatureWithId capability is supported. Network signature ID is used by VM in signature verifying instructions if capability CapSignatureWithId is enabled in blockchain configuration parameters. This parameter should be set to global_id field from any blockchain block if network can not be reached at the moment of message encoding and the message is aimed to be sent into network with CapSignatureWithId enabled. Otherwise signature ID is detected automatically inside message encoding functions. Overwrite priority: ExecutionOptions.signatureid -> ClientConfig.network.signatureid -> last network block
- ClientConfig.network.signature_id optional parameter is added. Specify it in case of offline work for all message signing operations to use.
- ExecutionOptions is extended with signature_id optional parameter. Specify locally for a particular run_tvm or run_executor call.
- net.get_signature_id function returns global_id if CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled

- message_id and message_dst fields are added to all ProcessingEvent variants
- Config parameter binding: { library: string, version: string }. Binding authors should define this parameter at context initialization.
- tonclient-binding-library and tonclient-binding-version GraphQL request headers.
- Error.data.binding_library and Error.data.binding_version error data fields.

Client breaking changes
- abi.get_signature_data function ouput parameter hash is renamed to unsigned for consistency with other crypto functions parameters

Possible breaking change on binding side
- Changed type of the dictionary parameter or mnemonic crypto functions and crypto config. Now it uses MnemonicDictionary enum type instead of number. MnemonicDictionary numeric constants are compatible with previous values.

- debot engine module is deprecated. Debot engine development has migrated to a separate repository (soon will be published). So, in order to reduce sdk binary size, we will remove debot engine module from sdk in the next releases.

Dear Evercloud users 🛠🧑‍💻

Around 10.40 CET we will have a short maintenance of Evercloud infrastructure, you may experience 1 minute disconnection.

Dear Evercloud users,

List of public endpoints was updated.
Everscale Test Network (aka FLD) endpoints are added.

If you are interested in testing new network features 🌚 - Test FLD Network gives you this opportuity 🛠


Release SDK 1.40.0


- abi.get_signature_data function that returns signature from message and hash to verify the signature


- local endpoints with port specified are expanded with http protocol instead of https (e.g.
localhost:8033 in expanded to http://localhost:8033/graphql)

Update: issue resolution on cloud provider side is still in progress, but we have managed to partially restore functionality (full functionality with low redundancy and low throughput).

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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