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Категория: Лингвистика

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Россия, Русский
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двойственный, противоречивый, противоположный

ambivalent impressions — противоречивые впечатления
ambivalent attitude — двойственное отношение
•He inspired ambivalent feelings even among those who knew him best.▫️Даже те, кто хорошо его знал, испытывали по отношению к нему противоречивые чувства.
•We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child.▫️Мысль о рождении ребёнка вызывает у нас обоих несколько противоречивые чувства.



Should I say "I will keep you update" or "I will keep you updated"?

The correct form is:
• I will keep you updated.
Here, “updated” is a past participle doing the work of an adjective, describing the state of the person referred to as “you” in the sentence. There will be more on the use of “updated” later.

Update” can be used either as a verb or as a noun. However, in this sentence, the place at the end of the sentence after the word “you” is notthe place for either a verb or a noun.
If “update” is used as a verb, it has to follow the structure:
• X updates Y.
That is, we need a direct object after the verb “update”. In the formula given above, the direct object is “Y”. Here is how we would use it in an actual sentence:
• I will update you when fresh information becomes available.
• The nurses have been updating us on his condition every 30 minutes or so.
• I want you to update me in a timely manner.

When “update” is used as a noun, it can be used either as the subject of the sentence or as the direct object. Here are some examples:
• I will give you updates when fresh information becomes available. (direct object)
• Updates on his condition have been coming in from the nurses about every 30 minutes. (subject)
• You will receive updates on a regular basis. (direct object)
As you can see, there is no logical or grammatical way to use “update” after the word “you”. “You update” by itself makes no sense. “Keep you update” makes even less sense.

⭕️Unknown English


искренний, беспристрастный, чистосердечный

candid observer — беспристрастный наблюдатель
candid / frank / open discussion — открытое обсуждение
•He was quite candid about his past.▫️Он достаточно откровенно рассказал о своём прошлом.
•She gave us her candid opinion on the matter.▫️Она высказала нам своё откровенное мнение по этому вопросу.
•It struck me as an unusually candid confession for a politician.▫️Это признание показалось мне необычайно откровенным для политика.



ошеломленный, запутанный

•troubled and perplexed mind — смятенный ум
•a perplexed question — запутанный вопрос
•It perplexed me to learn of his decision.▫️Я был в полном недоумении, узнав о его решении.
•It perplexed me that they refused the offer.▫️Меня смутило то, что они отказались от предложения.
•The explanation left me thoroughly perplexed.▫️Это объяснение совершенно сбило меня с толку.



Is it more common to say "for example" or "for instance"?

Both “for example” and “for instance” are commonly used phrases to introduce an example or illustration in a statement or argument . However , “for example” is generally more commonly used in both spoken and written language . This may be due to its shorter and simpler form , making it more versatile in various contexts . “For instance” is typically used in more formal or academic settings , as it may sound slightly more sophisticated . It is also often used to provide a specific or detailed example , while “for example” can be used for both specific and general examples . To encourage the reader to read the link in the bio , here 's a sentence using both phrases :
•There are many ways to incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine , for example , making time for exercise or for instance , choosing to cook at home instead of eating out .

⭕️Unknown English

❗️Переведи предложение-пример:


трудоемкий, трудный, трудолюбивый, утомительный

laborious task — трудоемкое задание
laborious descent — трудный спуск
•This is a laborious task that takes time and costs money.▫️Это трудоёмкое задание, которое требует затрат времени и денег.
•She spent many laborious hours on the project.▫️Она потратила на этот проект много часов кропотливого труда.
•Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.▫️Сбор сырья оказался долгой и трудоёмкой задачей.

⭕️Unknown English


предприниматель, владелец предприятия

•individual entrepreneur registration certificate — свидетельство о регистрации в качестве индивидуального предпринимателя
•He is a wealthy entrepreneur.▫️Он состоятельный / богатый предприниматель.
•The Swiss entrepreneur has pulled the plug on any further investment in the firm.▫️Швейцарский предприниматель полностью прекратил любые дальнейшие вложения в эту фирму.

⭕️Unknown English

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Is this sentence grammatically incorrect, “I hit in his face” instead of “I hit him in the face.”? Why or why not?

No, the first example sentence is not correct, because when you “hit something” the verb “hit” is transitive. This means that “you hit him,” where “him” is the object of the verb. But in the first sentence you left out the “him” and therefore you are not really “hitting” anything. This makes the first sentence incorrect.

⭕️Unknown English


тусклый, слабый, смутный, затемнять, затуманивать

•a dim figure in the distance — тусклый силуэт где-то вдали
•a dim light beside the bed — тусклый светильник рядом с кроватью
•Time had dimmed the silver▫️Время сделало серебро тусклым.
•The dim outline of a building loomed up out of the mist.▫️Неясные очертания здания показались из-за тумана.
•She was only dimly aware of the risk.▫️Она лишь смутно осознавала эту опасность.

⭕️Unknown English


скрывать, утаить, прятать

•to conceal by camouflage — скрывать под маскировкой
conceal a defect — скрывать дефект
•She could barely conceal her anger.▫️Она едва могла скрыть свою злость.
•The path was concealed by long grass.▫️Тропинка была скрыта высокой травой.
•Why did she need to conceal her identity?▫️Зачем ей было нужно скрывать свою личность?

⭕️Unknown English


Is this sentence correct, 'Instead of her coming here, you should have gone there.'? If not, what is and how do I place this sentence in a better manner?

I consider your sentence grammatically correct.
However, here’s an option:
Instead of having her come here, you should have gone there.

⭕️Unknown English


Is there a difference in meaning between these two sentences, “I was watching a movie BY eating some popcorn” and “I was watching a movie eating some popcorn”? Does adding or removing the “by” make a difference in meaning? If not, are they the same?

Yes, there is a big difference. The first sentence is ungrammatical because the preposition “by” does not belong in it. The second sentence is incorrect because it has a misplaced modifier. As written, it declares that the movie you were watching was eating some popcorn. To correct both sentences, the conjunction “while” should be inserted after “movie.” The sentence should read, “I was watching a movie while eating some popcorn.”

Misplaced modifier — это слово, фраза или предложение, которые отделены от слова, которое они описывают, что создаёт путаницу и двусмысленность.

⭕️Unknown English


вызывать, призывать, созывать, собирать

summon an assembly — созывать собрание
•to summon up courage — собраться с духом
•He rubbed the magic lamp to summon the genie.▫️Он потёр волшебную лампу, чтобы вызвать джинна.
•We were summoned to the director's office.▫️Нас вызвали в кабинет директора.
•He was summoned to attend an emergency meeting.▫️Его вызвали на экстренное совещание.

⭕️Unknown English


пожимать плечами

•disparaging shrug of the shoulders — пренебрежительное пожатие плечами
•She gave a careless shrug.▫️Она беспечно пожала плечами.
•I asked if he wanted to go out to dinner, and he just shrugged.▫️Я спросила, не хочет ли он пойти куда-нибудь поужинать, а он лишь пожал плечами.
•I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored him.▫️Я просто пожал плечами и не стал обращать на него внимания.

⭕️Unknown English


Which is correct: "We require you to wear a uniform" or "We require that you wear a uniform"?

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but the second sentence is more polite. The first sentence says “We require you …” while the second says “We require that ….” The inclusion of “that” adds a level of indirectness and therefore politeness to the statement.

уклончивая речь; иносказание
▪️politeness [pəˊlaɪtnəs] сущ
ве́жливость, учти́вость

⭕️Unknown English


хмуриться, нахмуриться, хмурить брови

•to frown disgust — хмуриться с отвращением
frown knit brows — хмурить лоб
frown grimly — сурово нахмуриться
•She frowned as she read the letter.▫️Она нахмурилась, когда читала письмо.
•He looked at her with a puzzled frown.▫️Он посмотрел на нее, удивленно сдвинув брови.
•She gave him a frown and told him to mind his manners.▫️Она нахмурилась и велела ему следить за своими манерами.

⭕️Unknown English


Which is correct, "My pullover is made of wool" or "My pullover is made from wool"?

The correct form in this case is “made of”—notmade from”.
We use “made fromonly when we are talking about a process in which something is transformed into something else, so that the original material does not appear as the original material in the final product. Here are some correct uses of “made from”:
• Glass is made from sand. (→ The original material, sand, is transformed into some other material with different physical and chemical properties.)
• Plastics are made from crude pretroleum.
• Paper is generally made from wood pulp.
• Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, sugar, and other optional ingredients.
As you can see, in all of these cases, we are talking about one type of material being transformed through some chemical or other process into another type of material. This does not apply to the relationship between “pullover” and “wool”. “Pullover” is not a type of material that is produced by applying a chemical or other process to the material “wool”.

⭕️Unknown English

❗️Переведи •предложения-примеры:


культивировать, развивать, выращивать, возделывать

•to cultivate skills — развивать навыки
•a plant that is cultivated for its fruit — растение, которое выращивается ради плодов
cultivate links — развивать связи
•Try to cultivate a more relaxed and positive approach to life.▫️Постарайтесь воспитать в себе более спокойное и позитивное отношение к жизни.
•He wants to cultivate his mind — to understand art and literature.▫️Он хочет развить свой ум, хочет разбираться в искусстве и литературе.
•The land was too rocky to cultivate.▫️Земля была слишком каменистой, чтобы что-то выращивать.

⭕️Unknown English

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