Word of the Day

Kanal geosi va tili: Rossiya, Ruscha

Ничего лишнего! Только порция новых слов с примерами каждый день.
Word + Meaning + Examples

Связанные каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
Rossiya, Ruscha
Postlar filtri

🏴 a soul mate

- someone with whom you share a close friendship and deep personal understanding
/ родственная душа /

For example:

🔸 Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.

🔸 The movie is a romantic comedy about a woman's search for a soul mate.

🚩 to live like a king / Idiom

- to be very rich so not to be worry about anything
/ жить по-королевски /

For example:

▪️ To live like a king you have to work hardly first.

▪️ He has gotten a huge heritage so he is going to live like a king for the rest of his life.

▪️ I have just spent a few months travelling in South America where the cost of living was so low I could live like a king on $100 a day.

🏁 to calm down / Phrasal Verb

- to make somebody or something peaceful or less intensive
- успокаиваться

For example:

▫️ She managed to calm him down.

▫️ He was angry at first but he eventually calmed down.

▫️ It’s important to calm down when in stress

🏴 strict

very exact and clearly defined

For example:

▪️ These cases are not covered by a strict definition of poverty.

▪️He was not depressed in the strict sense of the world.

▪️ However, in Europe too, there are strict rules about behaviour on the slopes

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