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Репост из: The Cradle
Masoud Barzani: The Butcher of Sinjar

While ISIS may have executed the genocide against Iraq’s Yazidi population, a US lawsuit reveals that Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and his untouchable Peshmerga forces played a direct, complicit role in the massacre, driven by their geopolitical interest in conquering Sinjar.

2.1k 0 14 21 60

🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are placing aircraft at airfields in third countries, particularly Poland, a source in the security structures told RIA Novosti.

According to him, the AFU are hiding their aircraft at airfields in third countries, hoping that Russia will refrain from bombing them there, fearing a conflict with NATO. Meanwhile, Ukrainian airfields are used only for refueling Ukrainian aircraft and replenishing ammunition.

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2.1k 0 11 11 57

🇫🇷 The Olympic flag was hoisted upside down during the opening ceremony of the Games in Paris.

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3k 0 60 18 200

🇺🇸💥 Explosions around the US base in the Conoco field in Syria.

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🇷🇺💥🇺🇦 Throwing an anti-tank mine TM-62 into a basement with Ukrainian soldiers in Volchansk.

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3.5k 0 11 7 111

Репост из: Palestinian Commie
♦ PFLP Press Statement 🇵🇸🇨🇺

On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the attack against the Moncada Barracks and the ignition of the July 26 Revolution

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Press Statement: A common struggle and destiny unites us against American imperialism and its tools 🖤

On the 71st anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks and the launch of the July 26 Movement led by the national leader Fidel Castro and his companions Che Guevara, Raul Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos and the group of Cuban fighters and revolutionaries who rose up in the face of American imperial arrogance and its tools in Cuba, represented by the oppressive Batista regime, we pay tribute to their souls and those who continued along their path

The Cuban Revolution was and still is considered the most important turning point in Latin America, which served as a lever and inspiration to other revolutions in the whole world and in Latin America in particular, for the financial, military, political and moral support it provided to all peoples eager to break American imperialist hegemony over their countries

We at the PFLP appreciate and value Cuba's historic and continuing role in supporting the Palestinian revolution and our people by all available means and tools, despite the harsh conditions of the siege that Cuba has been suffering since the start of its victorious revolution

In light of the barbaric aggression and ongoing Zionist war of genocide against our people throughout historic Palestine, Cuba has refused anything other than to be among the first ranks of defenders of our people and their historical rights and a true partner in the struggle against injustice, oppression and tyranny.

We in the PFLP address the leadership and people of Cuba with our warmest revolutionary greetings and full solidarity with them against the unjust siege imposed on them by the head of global terrorism, the United States, on the anniversary of their glorious revolution, hoping that the goals of the Cuban people will be achieved by defeating the unjust imperialist siege and the glorious victory of the Palestinian people and their resistance

Viva Cuba .. Viva Palestine
Long live the revolution..
Long live Palestinian-Cuban solidarity
Until victory always

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department

🇮🇳🇺🇦 Indian Prime Minister will visit Ukraine at the end of August, reports the local TV channel Wion.

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5.5k 0 9 33 246

🇨🇳🇫🇷 Just sayin'

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7.3k 1 96 47 369

👤This has to be the end. Things certainly can't get any worse?.... Can they?

Paris Olympics

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10.9k 1 251 86 441

🇫🇷🧔🏼‍♀️ It can't be that much longer until the empire falls..... can it?

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9.2k 1 189 93 465

🇷🇸 Team Serbia has arrived the Opening Ceremony for the Paris Olympics.

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Haz Al-Din's ACP Vision: A Prosperous America in a Multipolar World

Join us for a live stream with Haz Al-Din, the new American Communist Party (ACP) Plenary Committee Chairman. Haz will share his revolutionary vision for a prosperous America in the emerging multipolar world.

In a time of skepticism and misinformation about communism, Haz offers a fresh perspective and a compelling blueprint for the future. Discover how the ACP plans to address national issues and guide society towards equity and prosperity.

Whether you're curious, skeptical, or supportive, this live stream is your chance to listen, learn, and ask questions about the ACP's plan to make America prosperous. Set your reminders and join us live!

🔴 YouTube - X/Twitter - Rumble - Odysee

2:30 AM CET - 3:30 AM MSK - 8:30 PM EST - 5:30 PM PST

👍 Be sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and TURN ON notifications on YouTube!

📢 We will be hosting an after show Twitter/X Space with Haz, where you can participate in the conversation. - LINK

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🇷🇺 A special memorial was held in Moscow to honor all the children that have been killed in Donbass, Novorossiya and border regions of Russia since 2014, a TASS correspondent reported. 🕯️

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8.5k 0 29 8 363

🇺🇸🇬🇧⚔️🇾🇪 Yemeni sources: Renewal of the American-British aggression on the Hodeidah Governorate in Yemen.

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7.9k 0 14 11 229

🇮🇱🇫🇷The Israeli delegation was welcomed appropriately at the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, France. 🟡


10.3k 1 66 13 382

Репост из: Palestinian Commie
🤡 Noa Argamani lays down photos of Zionist prisoners in Jewish tomb, "praying for their speedy release"

Ironically, she's travelling to the United States with the one man who can release them in minute by ending the genocide; the man who has killed dozens of his own POWs with airstrikes before "rescuing" Argamani and three others, in an operation that killed 275+ Palestinians, wounded 500+, and killed 3 Zionist POWs

On her visit to the tomb of Zionist Jewish leader Lubavitcher Rebbe (Menachem Mendel Schneerson) in New York, the Chinese-descendent Jew plays Holocaust survivor as if nobody knows that she herself was a soldier in the genocidal ZionNazi army

🇫🇷 The Opening Ceremony for the 2024 Olympic Games being held in Paris, France.


8.2k 0 26 20 367

🇷🇺✊🇮🇷 An Iranian Sahand destroyer and Makran forward base ship arrived yesterday into Saint Petersburg for the Russian Navy Day parade as well.


🇺🇸🇱🇧🇮🇱💬U.S. allows some Lebanese citizens to stay for 18 months longer, citing Israel-Hezbollah tensions.

📢 The United States is deferring the removal of certain Lebanese citizens from the country, President Joe Biden said on Friday, citing humanitarian conditions in southern Lebanon amid tensions between Israel and Hezbollah.

Humanitarian conditions in southern Lebanon have significantly deteriorated due to tensions between Hezbollah and Israel,” Biden said in the memo.

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10.2k 0 11 13 174
Показано 19 последних публикаций.