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🚀 The $20 Trillion Fusion: AI and Crypto Unite for Global Economic Lift-Off

🤝 At the Consensus conference in Austin, the buzz was all about the powerful bond forming between AI and crypto. Bitwise's latest findings reveal that this collaboration is no longer just a trend—it's a game-changer.

💰 With Coreweave's audacious $1.6 billion bid to acquire Core Scientific, we're witnessing a strategic move that sets the stage for exciting partnerships. It's not just about sharing tech—it's about mutual growth, as demonstrated by Core Scientific's whopping $3.5 billion deal to host AI services for over a decade.

🔒 But it's not just about the money. The integration of blockchain and AI holds immense potential for information validation and operational efficiency. Startups like Attestiv are leading the charge, using blockchain to tackle the menace of AI-generated misinformation head-on.

🌐 Bitwise sees these developments as more than incremental shifts—they're seismic changes that will reshape our digital landscape, fostering a new era of trust and effectiveness. As one Bitwise researcher puts it, "This fusion is a win-win, propelling us into a future where innovation meets integrity."

In an age where trust is paramount, the fusion of AI and crypto could be the rocket fuel that propels our global economy skyward—potentially adding a staggering $20 trillion to its trajectory. Buckle up; we're in for an exhilarating ride! 🚀🌍

🚀 Mexican Billionaire Ricardo Salinas: "Buy Bitcoin and Save It!"

📉 Nigerian Naira Falls Under a Satoshi, Salinas Pliego Sounds the Alarm

🌍 The top 1% are catching on to the power of bitcoin as a hedge against fiat devaluation. With a fortune exceeding $14 billion, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, the influential Mexican entrepreneur, is urging his followers to seize the opportunity and invest in the digital gold.

🇳🇬 In light of the Nigerian naira's downward spiral, Salinas Pliego's message is clear: "Buy Bitcoin and save it, pay attention!!!" The naira's recent struggles have made it the weakest currency against the mighty U.S. dollar, prompting government crackdowns on crypto and accusations of manipulation.

💹 When asked about other investment options, Salinas Pliego's response was unequivocal: bitcoin reigns supreme. His unwavering support for the cryptocurrency extends beyond mere words; he aims to make Banco Azteca the first Mexican institution to embrace bitcoin and even considers selling it at Elektra Group stores.

In a world where traditional currencies falter, this billionaire's call to action echoes loud and clear: Bitcoin is here to stay!

🚀 Franklin Templeton Unlocks USDC Conversions, Expanding BENJI's Reach

🏦 Franklin Templeton, the global investment powerhouse, is breaking new ground in the digital asset space. Its Benji Investments platform now allows users to effortlessly convert USDC stablecoin into good old U.S. dollars. The move aims to empower investors looking to dive into the Franklin Onchain U.S. Government Money Fund, a pioneer in blockchain-powered transactions and ownership records.

🔄 The conversion magic is made possible by Zero Hash, a versatile player supporting 60+ digital assets across various blockchains. This development marks a significant step forward for Franklin Templeton, as it enables a seamless flow between BENJI tokens and USDC, the second-largest stablecoin on the market.

🌐 Franklin Templeton's ambitions don't stop there. This latest enhancement is part of a broader drive to make both traditional and blockchain-savvy investors feel at home. Individual investors might soon find themselves welcomed into this innovative ecosystem as well.

💼 The Franklin Onchain U.S. Government Money Fund itself is no ordinary fund. It prudently invests in government securities, cash, and fully collateralized repurchase agreements, all while maintaining a rock-steady share price of $1. Talk about stability! And with an eye on the future, the fund even enabled peer-to-peer transfers for institutional BENJI token holders back in April 2024.

🏛 Not one to be left behind, Blackrock has also entered the fray with its own tokenized offering called BUIDL. By leveraging U.S. government bonds, Blackrock aims to tap into the growing appetite for digital liquidity.

🔁 Roger Bayston, Head of Digital Assets at Franklin Templeton, sums it up nicely: "With this USDC on-ramp to BENJI tokens, we're providing investors with a seamless gateway to our tokenized money market fund. It's like having the best of both worlds: stability and yield."

In a world where finance and technology converge, Franklin Templeton is making sure investors have a front-row seat to the future.

🚀 Bitcoin Rockets Past $70,000, Sets New High at $71,031

💹 Bitcoin is standing tall above the $70,000 mark, reaching an intraday high of $71,031. As of now, it's holding strong just above $70,600, marking a solid 4.4% gain against the U.S. dollar in the past week. The trading volume has surged from $10 billion to an impressive $28.70 billion.

🌍 While the global average hovers around $70,653, the South Korean market is showing a slight premium with prices on Upbit and Bithumb at $70,903. However, this premium has shrunk to less than 1%, specifically 0.353%, indicating a more balanced market. The South Korean won remains a significant player in BTC trades.

💥 Crypto markets are not without their share of excitement as well. Over the past day, we've witnessed a whopping $46.09 million in short trades being liquidated, with bitcoin shorts accounting for $26.43 million. Altcoin longs also faced some turbulence with $11.66 million liquidated, making it a total of $39.27 million in long positions gone.

📉 Amidst these ups and downs, let's not forget the human side of trading. A staggering number of 41,053 traders were liquidated in the past 24 hours alone. The largest single liquidation hit hard at $707,320, reminding us that fortunes can change swiftly in this fast-paced market.

Hold on tight as Bitcoin continues its thrilling journey through the financial skies! 🚀🌕

🔮 Economist's Warning: Brace for Impact as USD Breakdown Looms

📉 Economist Peter Schiff, known for his love of gold, is sounding the alarm bells on the U.S. dollar. In a series of social media posts, he advises against buying greenbacks and urges investors to hold onto their precious metals.

💸 Rising yields? Not so fast! Schiff argues that the recent surge in Treasury yields is not a sign of strength but rather a symptom of a government grappling with an out-of-control national debt and an inflation genie that's slipped from the Fed's grasp.

🌍 The trade deficit tells a grim tale too. With the gap widening by a whopping 7.7% in April, Schiff sees it as evidence of an unproductive economy that will eventually drag down the dollar and send prices soaring.

💪 While the dollar has held its ground against other fiat currencies, Schiff warns that this protective shield won't last forever. Once the greenback loses its mojo, inflation will pack a mightier punch, leaving consumers feeling the squeeze.

⚡️ But here's where it gets interesting: Schiff predicts that as the dollar stumbles, gold will shine brighter than ever. It's like a tandem dance, with one currency faltering and the other taking flight – a scenario most investors aren't prepared for.

So, dear readers, keep your eyes peeled and your portfolios diversified because in this economic tango, it pays to be one step ahead!

🚀 South Korean Bitcoin Premium Rises Amid Market Volatility

📉 Mt Gox Fears Shake BTC: Bitcoin's price took a hit, dropping to $67,433 after news broke of $9.6 billion in Mt Gox bitcoins being moved. A rollercoaster ride for crypto enthusiasts!

📈 South Korea's BTC Boost: While global prices struggled around $68,000, South Korea's Upbit exchange saw a 2.23% premium with BTC priced at $69,775. The Korean won is gaining ground in the crypto world.

💱 KRW: The Rising Star: With 2.12% of BTC settlements happening in Korean won, it's the second most popular fiat currency for crypto transactions after the mighty US dollar.

Current Snapshot: As of 12:45 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, BTC stands at around $67,800 globally, but Upbit traders are enjoying a slightly higher price of $69,500 per coin.

Hold on tight! The crypto market is never short on surprises, and South Korea seems to be leading the way with its own unique twists and turns.

📉 Hedge Funds Bet Against Crypto: Hedge funds are taking a bearish stance on Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) futures, according to a recent analysis by Kaiko. But don't jump to conclusions just yet – this move may be more about hedging than outright pessimism.

💰 Perpetual Futures: A Risky Playground: The derivatives market, especially perpetual futures, is a hotbed of speculation and price discovery in the crypto world. Kaiko's study shows that funding rates and open interest are flashing warning signs of an overheated market.

🎢 Leverage and Volatility: Traders often use leverage to amplify their gains, but in the volatile crypto space, this strategy can be a double-edged sword. The researcher warns that it's not sustainable in the long run.

🏦 Complex Trades and Basis Plays: Hedge funds' net short positions might not be all doom and gloom. Some could be engaging in complex trades like the 'basis trade,' which involves buying the underlying asset while shorting futures.

🔍 Reading the Tea Leaves: These hedge fund moves have broader implications for risk perception and regulatory reactions. Keep an eye on developments like the potential approval of Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) – they could offer insights into the future of these digital assets.

In the ever-evolving world of crypto, it's important to decipher the signals from the noise. Hedge funds' net short positions on BTC and ETH futures might not be as straightforward as they seem, but they certainly add another layer of intrigue to this high-stakes game.

🚨 SBF's Prison Shuffle: Is California Calling?

🌉 In a surprising twist, it seems that the notorious crypto mogul Sam Bankman-Fried might be bidding farewell to the Big Apple and saying hello to the sunny shores of California. The latest buzz from a reliable source at the Wall Street Journal suggests that federal officials are packing up SBF's belongings and initiating a transfer process.

🗽 While many expected SBF to stay put at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, where he's been busy working on his appeal, it seems fate has other plans. His spokesperson, while coy about confirming the exact destination, dropped a hint that FCI Mendota in California could be his new address.

💈 Adjusting to life behind bars hasn't stopped SBF from making waves. Reports have surfaced about his resourcefulness, with whispers of him using mackerel packets as makeshift currency for a much-needed haircut. Talk about making the most out of an unconventional situation!

⚖️ As this potential prison transfer looms, another FTX figure, Ryan Salame, awaits his fate. With sentencing scheduled for May 28, 2024, prosecutors are pushing for a hefty five to seven-year sentence. However, Salame's defense team is fighting tooth and nail for a more lenient punishment of no more than 18 months.

🏰 FCI Mendota, nestled on a sprawling 960-acre site, is no stranger to housing medium-security inmates like SBF. With around 1,312 fellow residents and a nearby minimum-security satellite camp catering to roughly 103 inmates, it's safe to say that if this move happens, SBF won't be short on company.

Stay tuned as we keep our eyes peeled for any further developments in this intriguing tale of high-stakes finance and unexpected twists!

🤦‍♂️ "Really Stupid and a Huge Mistake:" Putin Blasts US Actions Blocking Payments to China; Exporters Turn to Small Banks and Crypto

🌐 In a diplomatic whirlwind, Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't hold back during his visit to China. He lambasted the American political elites for their latest move: blocking payments from Russian companies to China. According to Putin, this isn't just any mistake; it's a colossal blunder that harms the US itself.

💲 But it's not just about the money. Putin sees these actions as a threat to the mighty dollar, warning that they chip away at its global dominance. This, in turn, fuels the need for alternative payment systems beyond Uncle Sam's reach.

🌍 While Putin didn't spill all the beans on these alternatives, he made it clear that they're in the works – but only with state-level support. It seems Russia is ready to explore new avenues and diversify its financial ties.

🤝 As tensions rise between Russia and the West, China has been a reliable partner. However, even this relationship is facing hurdles as Chinese banks fear being caught in the crossfire of secondary sanctions. In response, Chinese exporters are turning to smaller banks and even cryptocurrency – a workaround in a country where crypto is officially frowned upon.

🌟 The winds of change aren't limited to Russia and China alone. Iran has joined forces with Russia in exploring the idea of a unified currency within the BRICS bloc – another sign that the world may be inching closer to a multipolar financial landscape.

In this ever-shifting geopolitical chessboard, one thing is certain: bold moves have consequences, and Putin isn't mincing words when he calls out what he sees as a "stupid" misstep by America.

🐸 $FRENZ on Base is a Meme Token with mega viral potential. They created the #JackpotMeta, and have 4 Community Enrichment funds that reward holders, and shillers!

Their holders love the mechanics of the giveaways and are even encouraged to call their very own community hotline for the chance to win prizes and just have some fun!

➡️ $FRENZ is on a mission to give back more #ETH to holders than any project that has ever existed! In their first month since launch they gave $55,000 back to holders! Given market conditions, this is a major feat! Their team consists of crypto veterans and have taken projects to hundreds of millions this last bull market! Once they hit $1b MC their team will be hosting a doxing event!

🐸Liquidity Burnt
🐸Supply held back for massive burns
🐸 3% Tax can never be raised, only lowered
🐸Long term relationships built with crypto YouTubers

$FRENZ has a massive vision and the breakdown of the Community Enrichment Funds can be found here:

By holding $FRENZ tokens in your wallet you are automatically entered into the weekly, monthly, and yearly prizes! (Some restrictions apply, and subject to change based off of community votes)

You are also able to participate in their Shill 2 Earn program and get paid to shill!

🤦‍♂️ "Really Stupid and a Huge Mistake:" Putin Blasts US Actions Blocking Payments to China; Exporters Turn to Small Banks and Crypto

🌐 In a diplomatic whirlwind, Russian President Vladimir Putin didn't hold back during his visit to China. He lambasted the American political elites for their latest move: blocking payments from Russian companies to China. According to Putin, this isn't just any mistake; it's a colossal blunder that harms the US itself.

💲 But it's not just about the money. Putin sees these actions as a threat to the mighty dollar, warning that they chip away at its global dominance. This, in turn, fuels the need for alternative payment systems beyond Uncle Sam's reach.

🌍 While Putin didn't spill all the beans on these alternatives, he made it clear that they're in the works – but only with state-level support. It seems Russia is ready to explore new avenues and diversify its financial ties.

🤝 As tensions rise between Russia and the West, China has been a reliable partner. However, even this relationship is facing hurdles as Chinese banks fear being caught in the crossfire of secondary sanctions. In response, Chinese exporters are turning to smaller banks and even cryptocurrency – a workaround in a country where crypto is officially frowned upon.

🌟 The winds of change aren't limited to Russia and China alone. Iran has joined forces with Russia in exploring the idea of a unified currency within the BRICS bloc – another sign that the world may be inching closer to a multipolar financial landscape.

In this ever-shifting geopolitical chessboard, one thing is certain: bold moves have consequences, and Putin isn't mincing words when he calls out what he sees as a "stupid" misstep by America.

🚓 South Korean Police Bust Crypto-powered Drugs Smuggling Ring, Arrest 34

📣 In a major crackdown on crypto-powered drug smuggling, South Korean police have made 34 arrests in a swift operation.

⚠️ The raid resulted in the seizure of a staggering 90,000 doses of narcotics, including methamphetamine, synthetic marijuana, and ketamine.

⭐️ The cunning ring used Vietnam-based smugglers to conceal the drugs within innocent-looking cosmetics products, shipping them to South Korea through international courier services.

🔒 Two South Korean ringleaders, both aged 36, are among the nine individuals currently in custody. An additional 25 suspects face charges related to this illicit operation.

💻 Operating in the shadows of the internet, this criminal enterprise relied on encrypted messaging app Telegram to facilitate their transactions with crypto-paying customers.

⚠️ The masterminds went to great lengths to hide their stash, using a cleverly concealed "hole in a mountainside" as their secret storage spot. Here, police discovered nearly six liters of synthetic marijuana solution worth over $1 million.

🔖 This successful operation highlights South Korea's commitment to combating the dark underbelly of the digital age and sends a clear message that crypto-powered crime will not go unpunished.

🔈Humanity Protocol Achieves Unicorn Status with $30 Million Funding, Valuation Reaches $1 Billion

➡️Humanity Protocol has achieved unicorn status following a recent funding round that raised $30 million, resulting in a valuation of $1 billion.

📊The Seed Round, led by Kingsway Capital, saw participation from prominent investors such as Animoca Brands,, Hashed, Shima Capital, and several others, the firm said in a recent Medium post.

💬Per the announcement, the funding injection will enable Humanity Protocol to expand its product development unit as it gears up for the launch of its public testnet in the latter half of 2024.

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🔨 Get Ready for Mining Permit NFTs Coming Soon! 🙌🏻

🌐 Explore More: http://AIGOLD.IO

Join our Telegram community now and be a part of the future of AI and crypto! 🚀🔥

🚀Lightning Network: The Future of Global Settlements

🌐 Lightspark CEO David Marcus is confident: the Lightning Network (LN) is set to revolutionize the world of payments. In his view, LN will become the "interoperability neutral settlement layer" that connects various real-time payment systems seamlessly.

💡 LN, built on the backbone of Bitcoin, enables lightning-fast and cost-effective fund transfers. Marcus predicts that corporations worldwide will eventually adopt LN for their settlements, either directly or indirectly.

🔌 Lightspark, a leading LN scaling service provider, simplifies the adoption process by offering infrastructure and liquidity support. Its recent collaboration with Coinbase demonstrates the growing interest in LN among major players in the crypto space.

🌍 To enhance LN's capabilities further, Lightspark has developed the Universal Money Address (UMA) protocol. UMA not only facilitates cross-border transactions but also incorporates foreign exchange rates, making it more versatile than ever before.

⚖️ Compliance is a top priority for Lightspark. UMA includes all necessary compliance information, ensuring businesses can navigate regulatory requirements with ease.

💸 By embracing LN, companies gain a competitive advantage. With its low fees and constant availability, LN bypasses the limitations of traditional payment rails, empowering businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital economy.

The future of settlements is bright – and it's powered by Lightning! ⚡️

🚀ToastAI is an aggressively deflationary token backed by an AI controlled & traded Treasury. Treasury profits are used to buy back and burn $TOAST until the price of 1 Toast = 1 ETH.

➡️ Toast is built on an amazing trading AI that buys and sells the top 100 crypto tokens. Running since last fall, with a 100% profitable on chain trade history, and an average profit margin of 15%, the bot will rapidly buy and burn it's way through the Toast supply.
Profit from an emotionless trading machine, instead of researching and trying to time the market.

-One of the only AI projects on Base
-Constant buy pressure and Treasury backing gives Toast a strong floor.
-Portfolio exposure to all the tokens the AI chooses to buy.
-Project is complete, no waiting for dev to build anything.
-Under 500k market cap for a project with a tested and functional AI.

👉Check out the Telegram:

🌐 Website:

⚡️ CA: 0x21f8c472d1702919af0af57a9e2926f2c1fb67c5
🔥 Dextools:

📉 BTC Price Dips 2%: $34M in Bitcoin Longs Liquidated as Derivatives Market Shakes

📉 Bitcoin's journey takes a slight dip today, with a 1.9% decline in the past 24 hours. But don't fret just yet, as the weekly gain of 4.8% shows resilience. However, the 30-day stats reveal a 12.4% decrease, raising eyebrows.

💰 At present, the crypto giant's market cap hovers around $1.2 trillion, with a $24 billion trade volume to keep things interesting. The top BTC pairs? FDUSD takes the lead at 44%, followed by USDT at 33%.

🔄 The rollercoaster ride continues as Coinglass reports a whopping $34.79 million in BTC longs liquidated in just one day! And shorts? They suffered too, with $7.85 million wiped out recently. The total liquidation count? A staggering $134.34 million across the crypto realm.

⚠️ These figures serve as a reminder of the wild world of leveraged trading, where fortunes can be made or lost in an instant. With over 61,000 traders liquidated, it's clear that caution is key in this dynamic financial landscape.

🔍As we navigate these ups and downs, all eyes are on Bitcoin's next move – will it stabilize and regain its footing? Only time will tell as we await the next chapter in this thrilling crypto saga.

🚀 BearPunks on Base

Meet the BearPunks (@BearPunksNFTs) a collection of 5225 sweet pixel art bears coming to you as PFP art collection. For sure, you will love them, they are CC0 and inspired by Larva Labs CryptoPunks.
BearPunks will join the CryptoTeddies ecosystem, both created by numo (@numo_0). Join the family and meet adorable friends.

BearPunks the cutest collection on @base

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- WL Collabs with other soon-to-launch NFT partners on base 🤝
- Giveaways and Raffles 🎁
- 1/1 Drops 🤯
- Games on NiftyIsland and Discord 🫂
- Phase 2? 👀

👉Check out the Discord:
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🔒 Why Self-Custody Matters: Safeguarding Your Bitcoin with Casa

🏦 From Wall Street to Crypto: Nick Neuman's Journey to Casa

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, one name stands out for its unwavering commitment to security and privacy: Casa. And at the helm of this digital fortress is none other than CEO Nick Neuman, a seasoned veteran in the realm of product development.

🔑 Taking Control: Empowering Bitcoin Holders

With cyber threats lurking around every corner, it's no wonder that the concept of self-custody has become a hot topic among crypto enthusiasts. In his recent appearance on the Bitcoin News Podcast, Neuman shed light on how Casa empowers users to take charge of their digital wealth by securely holding their private keys.

💡 Planning for the Future: Inheritance and Beyond

But Casa doesn't stop at just safeguarding your Bitcoin; they go above and beyond by offering innovative solutions for long-term wealth management. Neuman emphasized the importance of thinking ahead and even discussed Casa's unique approach to helping users plan for their digital assets' inheritance.

🌐 A Diverse Background: The Perfect Blend for Casa's Success

Neuman's journey to Casa is as diverse as the crypto landscape itself. With experience in both traditional finance and tech giants like Grab, he brings a unique perspective that fuels Casa's drive for excellence in product development.

When it comes to securing your Bitcoin, there's no room for compromise. With Nick Neuman leading the charge, Casa is not just a company; it's a fortress built on the principles of self-custody and user empowerment. So, if you're serious about protecting your digital fortune, it might be time to give Casa a closer look.

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