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Репост из: 🇦🇺AussieCossack🇷🇺
❗️"Ukraine is practically a part of the G7, the members see Zelensky as an equal"

😂Foreign Minister Kuleba shares his delusions about Ukraine's place in the world


Репост из: #LauraAboli
Julian Assange:

“Nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies.”

Watch this short clip, he was 100% right. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

🚝🇩🇪🍺 Beer sales on German trains doubled in the first days of Euro 2024.

From June 14 to 19, 44,558 litres of beer were sold on Deutsche Bahn trains - approximately twice as much as is usually sold in 6 days, -DB.

Demand for snacks and soft drinks among passengers also increased, although beer was far ahead: for example, sales of bratwurst - traditional German sausages - soared by 63%.

DB also reported that during the first six days of the European football championship taking place in Germany, their intercity trains and high-speed ICE trains transported over 3 million passengers, including hundreds of thousands of football fans. On match days, the company operates additional trains with 10,000 seats and offers discounts on travel to ticket holders for the stadiums. Additionally, 182,000 special fan tickets were sold.

According to Deutsche Bahn data, most football fans arrive in Berlin. Frankfurt and Munich rank second and third in this regard.

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🇷🇺🇩🇪🇺🇦 "Russians panic and flee from the beach. Waves of American missile strikes hit targets in Crimea, and will Putin's bridge be hit soon?" - the question is raised by the author of an article published in the German newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne city newspaper).

The article refers to Ukrainian attack, during which Ukrainian armed forces fired ATACMS missiles of American production at the beach where peaceful residents were relaxing with their families.

The fact that at least 2 innocent children died, that around 30 children are in the hospital, and it is unknown whether they will fully recover or remain disabled, does not interest the press of the so-called civilized Germany. Instead, they are interested in: "when will the Kerch Bridge (referred to in the article as 'Putin's bridge') be hit?"

To better understand the level of cynicism, it is worth mentioning that the city of Cologne was ruthlessly destroyed by the American Air Force in 1945, everything that could be destroyed was destroyed: hospitals, kindergartens, schools, everything except the tallest church, because its high tower served as a landmark for American pilots (well, in 1945 there were no satellites).

In other words, the author of the top-rated newspaper in a city that experienced such cruelty, almost genocide, calmly perceives the killing of innocent children. This is our "civilized" world, and we have no other.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

How do Russian expert circles assess Germany's ability to deal with the negative effects of the migration crisis in connection with the deepening crisis around Ukraine?

ZeitNot: In Russia, the German authorities are ridiculed for imposing the burden of migration on themselves for reasons that are incomprehensible to Russians.

A special place is occupied by the issue of refugees from Ukraine. In Russia, there is a fixed image of the mentality of Ukrainians who fled to the EU after February 24, 2022. They are considered clever, thrifty, and very cunning people. These are residents of the western and partially central regions of Ukraine, whose mentality differs significantly from that of residents of the eastern regions of Ukraine. At that time, mainly "western" and "central" Ukrainians fled to the EU, where there have been no hostilities and no houses have been destroyed. For Russians, the refugees of the years 2022-2023 are seen as purely economic migrants. Only now are Ukrainian men trying to flee the country to avoid being forcibly conscripted into the war. Therefore, the Scholz government is perceived by Russians as frankly foolish and naive in migration matters. This government allowed these Ukrainians to deceive them. At the same time, Russian observers often express the opinion that, given the long history of good relations with East Germany and the numerous connections between Russians and Germans in the years after the opening of the "Iron Curtain," Russians feel sorry for the German population, which, in the opinion of Russians, suffers both from the influx of migrants and from the decisions of their own government. It should be noted that while Scholz and especially Baerbock and Strack-Zimmermann are being mocked, the hardworking Germans who have created a social paradise with their work, which is now being destroyed before their eyes by greedy, lazy migrants, are pitied by the Russians. However, there is also another position...


💥Source: Mon_A
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GERMANY: Ukrainian Refugees and the German Government

June 2024, Berlin (dpa, WNOZ, Mon_A) - The CSU is calling for war refugees to be sent back to Ukraine if they do not take up employment in Germany. "It must now, over two years after the start of the war, be the principle: employment in Germany or return to safe areas in western Ukraine," said the CSU's regional group leader in the Bundestag, Alexander Dobrindt, to Bild am Sonntag. There was protest from the SPD and the Greens. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, sending them back would not be possible without further ado. The FDP has demanded lower state benefits for Ukrainians who fled to Germany before Russia's war of aggression. "Newly arriving war refugees from Ukraine should no longer receive basic income in the future, but should fall under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act," said FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai to Bild. He pointed to the labour shortage. "We should no longer finance unemployment with taxpayers' money, but ensure that people find work." Similar demands had already come from the FDP parliamentary group, but also from the Union. Brandenburg's CDU Interior Minister Michael Stübgen recently said to the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland: "It does not fit together to talk about supporting Ukraine to the best of our ability and at the same time to provide for Ukrainian deserters." He argued that basic income had become a "brake on taking up employment." The debate on social benefits for refugees in Germany and the associated costs has intensified with this proposal. Since June 2022, war refugees from Ukraine have been able to receive basic security benefits (now basic income) instead of the lower benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. This was agreed upon by the federal government and the states at the time.

The question arises as to the extent to which the dispute between the government and the opposition, but also within the government coalition, over the financing of Ukrainian refugees could become a serious problem for Olaf Scholz. The agency ZeitNot has provided its answer to this question.


💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

🇩🇪 German opposition has changed its attitude towards Ukraine and now calls for peaceful negotiations

According to The Times, CDU leader Friedrich Merz, who previously advocated for increased military assistance, now believes it is time to focus on ending the conflict with Russia.

The candidate for the next German chancellor stated that it is time to sign a peace treaty with Russia regarding Ukraine.

In the past, Friedrich Merz, leader of the centre-right opposition, had repeatedly insisted that Berlin should provide Ukraine with more military assistance, including a shipment of long-range Taurus missiles. However, he now says he would prefer a ceasefire.

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🇫🇷📈💸 Debate between candidates in the parliamentary elections 30.06.24.

Loïc Sénior from Macron's party "Renaissance" against Philippe Ballard from the "National Rally" party of Marine Le Pen.

PB: "Stop reading out notations here! You are the embodiment of Macron's arrogance.

You have been in power for 7 years. Result: 3 trillion euros of debt. This year, France will borrow another 275 billion euros on financial markets. No one in Europe is doing worse.

In this year's budget, 48 billion is allocated for debt servicing. By 2027, it will be 80 billion. This will be the largest item of expenditure - more than on education and defence.

You have bankrupted the country, brought it to its knees, and continue to lecture everyone."

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

🌐📈🖥 Currently, there are or are being developed 7000 data processing centres in the world, which is twice as many as in 2015.

If they were to operate continuously, these data processing centres would consume 508 terawatt-hours of electricity per year, which is more than the total annual electricity production in Italy or Australia.

This is just the beginning: it is forecasted that the demand for data processing centres will grow by 10% per year until 2030.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

Comment by Juri Gromyko on the current situation of Afghan refugees

We see as a result of all these activities that Afghan immigrants, Afghan refugees are recruited for Ukraine military troops to participate in military operations, for regular forces or organized ad hoc teams with special mission. I am sure that this crimping activity to recruit immigrants is specially organized and coordinated from one center because:

the First - it is done in different countries – Italy, Spain, Belgium and of course Germany but according to the same scheme.

the Second - it is proposed to different individuals to do delicate services in soliciting official authorities in the country-recipient so to say, to appreciate care of the alleged new motherland that has given asylum to refugees.

the Third - Simultaneously it is whispered through different informational channels that the Taliban movement in Afghanistan doesn’t recommend to return Afghan refugees back to the country.

Of course these recruiting activities are done with deliberated pressures upon refugees. For public opinion, the ostensible reason for such operations is demonstrated and performed as special measures to control illegal migration process to stop criminal activity. So it is exactly the answer to the demand of the power group from the right, not left. But actually, these operations to recruit refugees to be new fighters for Ukraine military forces are possible under the following conditions: different Afghan communities as communities of other nationalities have no special rights in Germany or other Western countries that can defend their interests and help them to refuse such tacit proposals from authorities. The universal legal framework of individual rights and freedoms doesn’t suggest that collective rights of ethnic and multiethnic communities exist and they can be formulated besides individual rights and freedom and they are respected. But these rights must have respect and be officially accepted. Atomization of traditional communities provides isolated individuals than can’t resist to pressure from official authorities and to protect themselves they enter illegal criminal groups.

Yuriy Gromyko
The director of Schiffers Institute of advanced studies, professor

💥Source: Mon_A
💥Our channel: Node of Time EN

🇪🇺⛔️ The EU has imposed the 14th package of sanctions against Russia - EU Council website

▶️ The new package of sanctions has expanded personal restrictions on 116 individuals and entities.

▶️ The EU has introduced new restrictions on the transit of Russian liquefied natural gas through European ports. Investments and technology provisions to Russian LNG projects such as "Arctic LNG 2" and "Murmansk LNG" are also prohibited.

▶️ EU organisations are prohibited from connecting to the developed CBI "Financial Messaging Transmission System", as well as transactions with banks and crypto exchanges that facilitate deals with the Russian military-industrial complex.

▶️ European parties and organisations are no longer allowed to accept funding from the Russian state and its trusted individuals.

▶️ Sanctions have been imposed on the Russian tanker fleet, and the ban on the transportation of Russian goods by road within the EU has been extended, prohibiting any private and charter flights.

▶️ 61 companies have been added to the sanctions list, which the EU believes are helping to circumvent restrictions. Some of these companies are located in China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, and the UAE.

▶️ Restrictions have been placed on the acceptance of applications for the registration of certain intellectual property rights from Russians and Russian companies in the EU.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN


Conflict in the Taliban Movement

June 2024 (
Mon_A). In the Taliban leadership, strong disagreements are intensifying between the Kandahar office of the movement's spiritual leader, Mullah Haibatullah Akhund (Sheikh), and the leaders of the interim government in Kabul. The escalation occurred after the acting Minister of Interior, Sirajuddin Haqqani, in early June at the invitation of the UAE traveled there, ostensibly for negotiations. In doing so, he violated the Sheikh's ban, which prohibits senior officials from leaving the country and conducting negotiations with representatives of foreign states without his permission.

In fact, Haqqani, who is still officially on the US list of wanted terrorists, where the US offers a substantial reward for information on his whereabouts, held meetings in Abu Dhabi with the President of the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the US President's Deputy National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, three representatives from the Pentagon and the CIA, as well as with former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

Afghan observers believe that the US has signaled to the Taliban leadership that they are now relying on Haqqani as the future leader of the entire Taliban movement and intend to organise the formation of a new inclusive government in their contacts with them. Haqqani traveled throughout Afghanistan within six months, met with elders, strongly criticized the excessively conservative course pursued by Haibatullah Akhund's cabinet, and proposed reforming the Taliban regime. He was supported by influential government members, including the acting Minister of Defence Mullah Yaqoob (son of the Taliban's founder, Mullah Omar) and the acting Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Baradar.

Among insiders of the Taliban movement, there is speculation that in the near future, the death of Sheikh Haibatullah Akhund could be announced through an attack or a drone strike. It is practically irrelevant whether Haibatullah Akhund is actually eliminated or if this is just widely announced. Initially, the Sheikh spread the news of Haqqani's dismissal as acting Minister of Interior. However, after learning that representatives of the US were discussing his removal in the presence of senior UAE officials, Haibatullah Akhund stated on the day of Hajj that he was willing to step down from the role of the movement's spiritual leader if it helps overcome disagreements within the movement.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

🇩🇪 "Deindustrialisation of Germany is unlikely to be stopped"

Overall, according to a recent survey of German entrepreneurs, 49% of companies stated that they have already moved part of their production abroad from Germany and intend to continue relocating production out of the country in the future.

77% of German businessmen believe that Germany is losing not only its economic attractiveness but also its political stability.

75% complain that businesses are being burdened by various regulatory restrictions (for example, compliance with different green standards in operations).

72% are dissatisfied with the energy policy of the FRG.

"The mood among German entrepreneurs continues to deteriorate," - Tagesspiegel.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

AFGHANISTAN: Refugees in Germany

June 2024, Kabul-Berlin (Mon_A, ZDF) At a conference in Potsdam, the Federal Minister of the Interior agreed that Afghan and Syrian refugees who have committed serious crimes in Germany can be deported to Afghanistan and Syria. However, the legal basis for this and how it will be practically implemented was not disclosed to the press at the end of the conference. German media commentators point out that deporting to Afghanistan requires some form of agreement with the ruling Taliban in Kabul, which is not recognized by the German state.

Two weeks before the Potsdam conference, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced the need to deport criminal Afghan refugees. This followed two incidents that were extensively covered in the German media. On May 31, an Afghan refugee in Mannheim attacked a member of the anti-Islam movement PAX Europa with a knife, seriously injuring them, and then fatally stabbed a police officer. And on June 14, another Afghan refugee in Wolmirstedt fatally injured a compatriot, attacked a group of football fans, and injured three Germans.

In this situation, the statements made by the Chancellor and the Interior Minister appear logical. However, it is unlikely that the government is fully aware of how the situation is perceived by Afghans living in Germany. Among them, there are different versions of events, all of which are unfavorable for Nancy Faeser.

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🇭🇺 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban named the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine as one of the key points of his country's upcoming presidency of the EU Council starting on 1st July.

Earlier, he announced that Hungary, which will lead the EU Council for six months under the motto "Let's make Europe great again," will not participate in any NATO mission in Ukraine.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

🔴🔴The latest developments in the war between #Russia and #Ukraine as of the morning of June 25 - Subtitled

Strong battles and changing the map of control in #Volchansk near #Kharkov, #Toretsk and #Krasnogorovka near #Donetsk

Video link:

🚗🔋⚽️🇩🇪🇪🇺 Main sponsor of the European Championship in Germany... Chinese car manufacturer BYD

German companies are left behind - instead of a native German brand, the most eco-friendly tournament is being organised with the help of a Chinese competitor...

As for the Chinese company BYD, they plan to become the leader in electric car sales in the European market by 2030, and after such publicity at Euro 24, they have every chance of success.

🚗🇩🇪 But what about, for example, German Volkswagen with its electric car struggles? The company withdrew from sponsorship "for financial discipline reasons." In simpler terms: they ran out of funds.

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🇩🇪 German businessman and activist Kim Dotcom: The ethnic Russian population of Ukraine refused to recognize unelected leaders imposed by the US.

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809 0 13 2 34

"Working in Germany or returning to Western Ukraine": German politician proposed deporting unemployed Ukrainians - DW

"2.5 years after the start of the war, the principle should apply: employment in Germany or return to the safe areas of Western Ukraine,"

stated the head of the state group of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in the Bundestag, Dobrindt.

According to the Ministry of the Interior of the FRG, there are currently 1.17 million refugees from Ukraine living in Germany, of whom around 260,000 are men aged 18 to 60.

💥 Our channel: Node of Time EN

Репост из: Brian Berletic's New Atlas Channel
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🇺🇦Absolutely incriminating quote by Zelensky’s advisor Mykhailo Podolyak justifying the death of civilians in a recent ATACMS strike on Crimea including children via the UK Telegraph...

Ukraine claims Crimea is their territory, that it's occupied, but treat the civilians who live there and lived there long before 2014 as an infestation to be exterminated. Even the Telegraph commentator was unable to defend the statement.

This is the threat that festered on Russia's border for 8 years before launching the SMO.

The quote can also be found published in pro-Ukrainian media here.

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