Story. Рассказы на английском

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Категория: Лингвистика

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A one-armed man entered a restaurant at noon and seated himself next to a dapper little other-people's-business man. The latter at once noticed his neighbor's left sleeve hanging loose and kept eying it in a how-did-it-happen sort of a way. The one-armed man paid no attention to him but kept on eating with his one hand. Finally the inquisitive one could stand it no longer. He changed his position a little, cleared his throat, and said: "I beg pardon, sir, but I see you have lost an arm."

The one-armed man picked up his sleeve with his right hand and peered anxiously into it. "Bless my soul!" he exclaimed, looking up with great surprise. "I do believe you're right."

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы


The Christmas church services were proceeding very successfully when a woman in the gallery got so interested that she leaned out too far and fell over the railing. Her dress caught in a chandelier, and she was suspended in mid-air. The minister noticed her undignified position and thundered at the congregation:

"Any person in this congregation who turns around will be struck stone-blind."

A man, whose curiosity was getting the better of him, but who dreaded the clergyman's warning, finally turned to his companion and said:

"I'm going to risk one eye."

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A former resident of Marshall, Mo., was asking about the old town.

"I understand they have a curfew law out there now," he said.

"No," his informant answered, "they did have one, but they abandoned it."

"What was the matter?"

"Well, the bell rang at 9 o'clock, and almost everyone complained that it woke them up."

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Consider the ways of the little green cucumber, which never does its best fighting till it's down.—Stanford Chaparral.

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FIRST MUSIC CRITIC—"I wasted a whole evening by going to that new pianist's concert last night!"


FIRST MUSIC CRITIC—"His playing was above criticism!"

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы - головоломки с необычными сюжетами, интересные исторические экскурсы, любопытные примеры из повседневной жизни.


Little Willie, being a city boy, had never seen a cow. While on a visit to his grandmother he walked out across the fields with his cousin John. A cow was grazing there, and Willie's curiosity was greatly excited.

"Oh, Cousin John, what is that?" he asked.

"Why, that is only a cow," John replied.

"And what are those things on her head?"

"Horns," answered John.

Before they had gone far the cow mooed long and loud.

Willie was astounded. Looking back, he demanded, in a very fever of interest:

"Which horn did she blow?"

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9️⃣ лет в телеграм. Да я динозавр 🦕 просто)

А вы уже определили свой возраст в Телеграм?

A negro came running down the lane as though the Old Boy were after him.

"What are you running for, Mose?" called the colonel from the barn.

"I ain't a-runnin' fo'," shouted back Mose. "I'se a-runnin' from!"

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Johnny hasn't been to school long, but he already holds some peculiar views regarding the administration of his particular room.

The other day he came home with a singularly morose look on his usually smiling face.

"Why, Johnny," said his mother, "what's the matter?"

"I ain't going to that old school no more," he fiercely announced.

"Why, Johnny," said his mother reproachfully, "you mustn't talk like that. What's wrong with the school?"

"I ain't goin' there no more," Johnny replied; "an" it's because all th' boys in my room is blamed old cowards!"

"Why, Johnny, Johnny!"

"Yes, they are. There was a boy whisperin' this mornin', an' teacher saw him an' bumped his head on th' desk ever an' ever so many times. An' those big cowards sat there an' didn't say quit nor nothin'. They let that old teacher bang th' head off th' poor little boy, an' they just sat there an' seen her do it!"

"And what did you do, Johnny?"

"I didn't do nothin'—I was the boy!"—Cleveland Plain Dealer.

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы

MRS. PECK—"Henry, what would you do if burglars broke into our house some night?"

MR. PECK (valiantly)—"Humph! I should keep perfectly cool, my dear."

And when, a few nights later, burglars did break in, Henry kept his promise: he hid in the ice-box.

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Mrs. Hicks was telling some ladies about the burglar scare in her house the night before.

"Yes," she said, "I heard a noise and got up, and there, from under the bed, I saw a man's legs sticking out."

"Mercy!" exclaimed a woman. "The burglar's legs?"

"No, my dear; my husband's legs. He heard the noise, too."

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"Jack and I have parted forever."

"Good gracious! What does that mean?"

"Means that I'll get a five-pound box of candy in about an hour."

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы

Репост из: Картины. Живопись. Искусство
Есть такие картины, которые нельзя размещать в публичных каналах.

Ну, вы понимаете, о чём я.

Но есть закрытый канал, где у искусства нет границ.

А кроме этого, там нет рекламы. Ну надоело, правда?

И когда я дал задание редакторам вести ещё один канал, они взбунтовались и заявили, что бесплатно этого делать не будут. Или все уволятся.

Согласен, сказал я, всякая работа должна быть оплачена, тут вы правы. Но сколько по вашему должна стоить подписка на канал?

Кто-то сказал — 300 рублей, другой — 500 и даже прозвучала ТЫЩЯ!

Ну уж нет! — стукнул я кулаком по столу. Искусство должно быть свободным, но и вам, конечно, нужно как-то жить. Давайте так: 90 рублей для первой сотни, а там видно будет. Может и до тысячи поднимется.

И все согласились. Люблю их 💘

Кстати, платежи проходят официально через Telegram — это анонимно и безопасно.

Ну что, Добро Пожаловать в ряды "БОГЕМЫ"!

Вот как стать БОГЕМОЙ:

. Нажмите на ссылку —

2. В диалоге выберите оплату картой или кошельком с криптой и там оплачивайте всего 1 евро в валюте вашей карты или кошелька. И наслаждайтесь.

Не медлите — жмите по ссылке, пока вход открыт:

Uncle Nehemiah, the proprietor of a ramshackle little hotel in Mobile, was aghast at finding a newly arrived guest with his arm around his daughter's waist.

"Mandy, tell that niggah to take his arm from around yo' wais'," he indignantly commanded.

"Tell him you'self," said Amanda. "He's a puffect stranger to me."

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы

A young woman who was about to wed decided at the last moment to test her sweetheart. So, selecting the prettiest girl she knew, she said to her, though she knew it was a great risk.

"I'll arrange for Jack to take you out tonight—a walk on the beach in the moonlight, a lobster supper and all that sort of thing—and I want you, in order to put his fidelity to the proof, to ask him for a kiss."

The other girl laughed, blushed and assented. The dangerous plot was carried out. Then the next day the girl in love visited the pretty one and said anxiously:

"Well, did you ask him?"

"No, dear."

"No? Why not?"

"I didn't get a chance. He asked me first."

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы

During a discussion of the fitness of things in general some one asked: "If a young man takes his best girl to the grand opera, spends $8 on a supper after the performance, and then takes her home in a taxicab, should he kiss her goodnight?"

An old bachelor who was present growled: "I don't think she ought to expect it. Seems to me he has done enough for her."

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы

"What were you and Mr. Smith talking about in the parlor?" asked her mother. "Oh, we were discussing our kith and kin," replied the young lady.

The mother look dubiously at her daughter, whereupon her little brother, wishing to help his sister, said:

"Yeth they wath, Mother. I heard 'em. Mr. Thmith asked her for a kith and she thaid, 'You kin.'"

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы

It was scarcely half-past nine when the rather fierce-looking father of the girl entered the parlor where the timid lover was courting her. The father had his watch in his hand.

"Young man," he said brusquely, "do you know what time it is?"

"Y-y-yes sir," stuttered the frightened lover, as he scrambled out into the hall; "I—I was just going to leave!"

After the beau had made a rapid exit, the father turned to the girl and said in astonishment:

"What was the matter with that fellow? My watch has run down, and I simply wanted to know the time."

🇬🇧 @one_story | Культурные каналы

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