TON Doomsday

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Embrace the End
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🔥 Doomsday cannot be broken!
All functionality back on track with a brand new development team. New features are on the way.

Stay tuned. Stay faithful.

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Another Log Wars has ended and the warriors are rewarded 🫡

🔥 Meet the winning team of this Log War - 🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤

👀Users who made at least one transaction - received 1213.1188 $WOOD

❤️ $DOOM Team:

Minimum 1 transaction - 285
Total number of transactions - 1704

👍 $WOOD Team:

Minimum 1 transaction - 242
Total number of transactions - 821

🚀 Check your balance! $WOOD has already been credited!🚀

Have you managed to stock up on wood? The time to use it will come very soon...
Stay tuned. Stay faitfull.

Get ready for the Downfall... and rebirth on Doomsday!

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🫠 Technical problems Log Wars

Not long ago we told you that we faced difficulties and overcame them.

😀 Now there is another obstacle in our way again, which is why the current battle did not end on time.
We are working to fix this as soon as possible.

👽 Stay tunedStay faithful.

Doomsday is coming

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14.6k 1 14 23 113

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👽 Log Wars #8 breakdown 👽

🔥 Meet the winner of this Log War - 🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤

And here are the statistics:

🚀Total number of transactions - 1917
👀Users who made at least one transaction - received 1329.12 $WOOD

❤️ $DOOM Team:

Total number of participants - 1122
Minimum 1 transaction - 151
Total number of transactions - 745

👍 $WOOD Team:

Total number of participants - 1185
Minimum 1 transaction - 194
Total number of transactions - 1172

🚀 Check your balance! $WOOD has already been credited!🚀

😳 We are relentlessly moving forward to break everything you know about web3...

Stay faithful...Doomsday i s coming...


🗿 A new battle is just about to begin! What rewards did we prepare for you this time? Stay tuned to find out.


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21.1k 1 10 42 159

🤗 Meet our new partner - Architec.ton 🤗

🚀Doomsday - is the place where completely different people, projects and ideologies align. We are all united with one goal - development of TON blockchain ecosystem.

🚀 Architec.ton - is a platform with a wallet and a catalogue with 80+ games. The team wants to combine all Telegram apps in their platform. Project has 2 tokens: $BNK and $ARC that you can get from staking $BNK. $ARC will allow you to make purchases in the app and vote for the games in the catalogue.

Short term plans of the team contain:
🔜 integration of ARC token to partners’ games
🔜 exchange for jettons and NFT swaps
🔜 development of KYB(Know Your Business), to show users the rate of trust to the project in their catalogue.


The Downfall... Stay faithful 🙏🏽

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Giveaway of 5 subscriptions Telegram Premium for a period of 3 months
Participation terms:
  • All subscribers participate in the giveaway
  • You must be a subscriber of 1 channels
  • End of giveaway: 10.08.2024 17:00

42.1k 37 476 82 166

Doomsday webapp in Telegram new popular apps session!


The Downfall... Stay faithful 🙏🏽

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👽 Have you noticed our new partner quests? 👽

War is war, but partnerships are on schedule and it is getting better and better.
Competition or joint development? Our choice is obvious, so meet our new partners and some very special ones! 👽

👀 What happens in the backstage of the war? What will be its outcome, and what is the next stage?

Stay with us, follow the news in our channel and don't miss out the next chapters of the Doomsday saga.

The Downfall... Stay faithful 🙏🏽

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❤️ The new season of Log Wars is already in full swing! Join the fight! ❤️

🚀 The prize pool has been increased! A chest with 4.5 million $WOOD is waiting for the bravest bounty hunters to compete for it!
The threshold for entering the “Chosen” chat has been increased again and is now 150 thousand $WOOD . Getting into the chat is a race☠️ , only the fastest, most dedicated and vicious will get into it!

🔥 Our project is moving forward, our ambitions and vision are huge, stay faithful...🔥

🙏 NFT tribe badges for clan battles , I.AM System Champions and the Age of $DOOM - you are waiting for this, and we are working tirelessly to give you everything and more.

Remember that Log Wars is a way to fill the gap between stages of our development, an activity through which you can prepare for the next stage of Doomsday and stock up on $WOOD for what comes next.

👽👽👽 Take your time, be faithful and diligent. Doomsday shakes up every concept you might have encountered before.

Get ready to rebirth...

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Giveaway of 3 subscriptions Telegram Premium for a period of 3 months
Participation terms:
  • All subscribers participate in the giveaway
  • You must be a subscriber of 1 channels
  • End of giveaway: 31.07.2024 13:00

23.7k 11 291 37 200

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👽 IT'S OVER! Log Wars #7 has ended... It felt like the Hundred Years’ War 👽

We’ve been through many trials lately, but now it's time to celebrate victory and the return of the Doomsday greatness after the downfall of the unfaithful and the deceitful.

🔥 The absolute winner of this Log War is.....
🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🤎🤎🤎

And here are the statistics:

🚀Total number of transactions - 3403
👀Users who made at least one transaction - received 759 $WOOD

❤️ $DOOM Team:

Total number of participants - 1757
Minimum 1 transaction - 340
Total number of transactions - 2316

👍 $WOOD Team:

Total number of participants - 1664
Minimum 1 transaction - 252
Total number of transactions - 1087

😳 How many wars have passedhow many wars are still to come… maybe next battle will be the last one?

🚀 Check your balance! $WOOD has already been credited!🚀


🗿 A new battle is just about to begin! What rewards did we prepare for you this time? Stay tuned to find out.


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🔥Приветствуем нового партнера!

👻 Flamenatone - канал, что поможет тебе узнать больше об экосистеме TON!

Мысли, новости, злободневные темы - всё это @flamenatone
Ребята планируют собственный web3 продукт, так что не упускай свой шанс войти на ранних этапах!

Новый квест уже доступен в боте, не забудь забрать свои WOOD в разделе партнёров!

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🔥 Dear residents of the Doomsday Domain.

We see and hear everything, so we will shed some light on the situation.

Recently, our team encountered technical problems, and we needed some time to reinforce our engineering team and there is nothing to worry about. The dates have been shifted, but the course remains unchanged.
All transactions are recorded and $WOOD will be credited to all wallets.

Our developers are working hard, and in the near future we will not only return to the previous pace but try to exceed expectations on the quality of our releases.
We needed some time to solve these problems. Please remain faithful.

🔥 All rewards will be distributed.

🔥 All technical problems will be resolved.

🔥 All who believe will be rewarded.

🙏 Doomsday is coming...

🌎 How to read our channel in your native language?
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👍 Doomsday chat
💵 Doomsday Influencers Program

😈 How to read our channel @TONDoomsday in your native language:

1️⃣Tap three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner of your Telegram homepage.

2️⃣Go to Settings menu

3️⃣ Open Language section

4️⃣ Go down and select the language you want posts to be translated to

5️⃣ Toggle on Show Translation slider on the top of the screen

🔥 Done, now you can tap any post in our channel, and after selecting the Translate option you will read us in your language.

Thx @TonCryptans for idea*

Forward from: TEC Team
Giveaway of 50 subscriptions Telegram Premium for a period of 3 months
Participation terms:
  • All subscribers participate in the giveaway
  • You must be a subscriber of 3 channels
  • End of giveaway: 25.07.2024 16:00

16.1k 0 63 33 206

22.3k 1 19 35 167

💵New Quests are available in @tondoombot

Check them now!

👍Big ecosystem news in case you missed:
Telegram introduced Stars, an internal currency that can be used to buy digital goods in bots and mini-apps. This solution was a response to the requirements of Apple and Google payment systems.
👀 On the Fragment platform, you can either buy Stars for yourself or present them to another user. For example, 500 Telegram Stars will cost ≈1 TON or $7.5, and 1,000,000 Stars cost about ≈2040 TON or $15,000.
👀Previously, Stars were only available for purchase through the app stores or with a bank card.
For the latest information on the cost and other conditions for buying and withdrawing Stars, please do your own research.

👍 Новые квесты доступны в @tondoombot

Выполняйте их прямо сейчас!

⭐️ Большие новости экосистемы, если вы пропустили:
Telegram представил Stars, внутреннюю валюту, которую можно использовать для покупки цифровых товаров в ботах и мини-приложениях. Это решение стало ответом на требования платежных систем Apple и Google.
👀 На платформе Fragment вы можете купить Stars для себя или подарить их другому пользователю. Например, 500 Telegram Stars будут стоить ≈1 TON или $7,5, а 1 000 000 Stars - около ≈2040 TON или $15 000.
👀 Ранее звезды можно было купить только через app stores или с помощью банковской карты.
Актуальную информацию о стоимости и других условиях покупки и вывода Звезд рекомендуем самостоятельно узнать дополнительно.

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Log Wars #5 - уже история, а #6 уже набрал обороты и движется к своему финалу!

Награды все солиднее, не находите?
Разделим же вместе, верные, этот пул, что составляет 2,5+ млн $WOOD
Токен будет распределен среди ВСЕХ пользова
телей (количество транзакций - ваш путь к победе)

Выжимка по Log
Wars Battle #5:

👍 $DOOM Team:

Общее количество участников - 2100
Минимум 1 транзакция - 320
Общее количество транзакций - 841

$WOOD Team:

Общее количество участников - 2159
Минимум 1 транзакция - 382
Общее количество транзакций - 2216

Общее число
операций - 3057

Пользователи, сделавшие хотя бы одну транзакцию - получили по 353 $WOOD

👾 Запасаетесь деревом? Вы на верном пути, ведь в будущем, эта древесина, принесет вам
доход в TON
Покупка NFT за $WOOD - уже «не за горами», ведь команда Doomsday трудится день и ночь, чтобы поощрить всех верных

«Как я смогу узнать, что время пришло» - все очень просто 😁
Все новости и анонсы мы освещаем в нашем канале, а так же в нашем чате
Вершите историю вместе с нами, перевер
нем же вместе всё WEB3 сообщество 🔥


Log Wars #5 is already history, and #6 has already gained momentum and is heading towards its finale!

The rewards are getting more and more impressive, don’
t you think?👾
Let us divide together, faithful ones, this pool, which amounts to 2.5+ million $WOOD
The token will be distributed to ALL users (the number of transacti
ons is your path to victory)

Log Wars Battle #5 breakdown:

👍 $DOOM Team:

Total number of p
articipants - 2100
Minimum 1 transaction - 320
Total number of transactions - 841

❤️ $WOOD Team:

Total number of participants - 2159
Minimum 1 transaction - 382
Total number of transactions - 2216

Total number of operations - 3057

Users who made at least one transaction received 353 $W

👾 Are you stocking up on $WOOD? You are on the right track, because in the future, this $WOOD will bring you income in TON
Buying an NFT for $WOOD is just around the corner as the Doomsday team is working day and night to reward all the faithful

“How can I know when the time has c
ome” - it’s very simple😁
We cover all news and a
nnouncements in our channel , as well as in our chat
Make history with us, together we will turn the entire WEB3 community upside-down🔥

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