VERITAS (Parabellum)

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Category: Politics

Reporting from the #OccupiedUS
This land will not kneel before a Communists and a Chinese spy as president
damnant quod non intellegunt
(They condemn what they do not understand)
De Institutione Oratoria, Book 10, Chapter 1, 26

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I have already written about vaccination. It is not a safe zone for us, we should be careful.

please read

and share for god sake.


Happy Easter

father lord thank you for your constant love and mercy in my life. I believe and pray for the release of your miracle in the mighty name of Jesus and hear the cry of my heart. I rebuke the voice of the enemy trying to discord me from my miracle and the breakthrough. I speak your blessings and deliverance into my life. I pray you intervene in every situation that I am facing in my life. you have the power over all creation please turn every situation around for my good; let your miraculous power flow in my life. I come before you with all my burdens so that you can perform your miracles in my life. you can do immeasurably more than I can ever ask or imagine; let my faith find rest in you Lord. I know your plans for me are good, not evil. I pray for a supernatural miracle to take place in my life I release a strong anointing for prosperity over my life manifests yourself in my life take charge of every area of my life. I pray Lord that you will remove every spirit of hopelessness from my life I receive your miracles daily in my life in Jesus' mighty name I pray amen.

God bless you


You have forgotten God, have you forgotten who you are?

These days, when the news of the Ukraine-Russia war is covered by many news agencies, it is very obvious that we need to learn more than what we have learned after the world wars. In this sense, we have forgotten that if someone commits bloodshed and massacres under the pretext of defending the dignity of his homeland, it is unjustified. We must always be faced with the fact that we are human beings and it is not at all worthy of this humanity that we come together and kill and massacre each other.
Years ago, Christ came to tell us to put aside violence and seek refuge in the Merciful God, whose mercy is for all beings. What has really happened to this modern man. Not only has he forgotten his God and His commands, but he has forgotten that he is human.

God bless human
and who share for lord


⚠️Girl in classroom Beaten unconscious - Teacher makes little effort to stop her & classmates look on!


After a long time I was away from social networks. I wanted to start some writing again. But this did not happen due to lack of proper situation. Now I hope we can get the channel back to its rainy days soon.

God bless all of you.

‼️Please look at the picture above for a while.‼️

What do you see?
A cat surrounded by knives. Has become a meme. It may seem funny at first glance. Or maybe it's not even funny.
But by looking at this issue, we really understand what a ridiculous issue has been imposed on us. It is true that the lives of blacks and other races are important. But sometimes this situation is exaggerated. Instead of forming a network of races that can live together. They create most battlefields. That's why this situation arises. And there was nothing but hatred and enmity against people. Instead of supporting white minorities, go to war with whites. Try to achieve world peace together.



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What a false law this vaccination really is, For invalidity of this law, It is enough to take a look at these videos.

I apologize in advance for sharing these irritant scenes 😔😔

sharing such videos can help others to make a better decision.

god bless you and US


💡I saw a very interesting title on this clip that is correctly related‼️ "Leave it up to Leftards to defend pedophiles & convicted felons as "heroes""‼️.
What do they really think that how they come to the streets and introduce such felons as heroes.

share this disgusting clip to make them aware what the hell are they doing!


I am adamantly opposed to abortion unless there is imminent danger to the mother’s life. Today, abortion is used as method of birth control and this is morally reprehensible and against my religious belief. After birth abortion is plainly murder.

Roe vs Wade was based upon a lie.

1. Jane Roe had been raped.
The truth: She wasn’t rape
and she never had an abortion.

Jane Roe, whom we now know as Norma McCorvey, was just 21 years old when she became pregnant for the third time and sought an abortion in the state of Texas. Texas law, however, stated that a woman could only undergo an abortion if the mother’s life was at risk. McCorvey was put in contact with two lawyers, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, who were looking for a pregnant woman to help them build a case to legalize abortion. McCorvey lied and said she had been raped. That lie became the basis for the legal fight against the District Attorney of Dallas County, Henry Wade. The lawyers knew that the case would never be finished in time for McCorvey to get an abortion and she ended up giving birth and placing the child for adoption. McCorvey not only admitted later on that she had lied about being raped, but she became pro-life and worked to end legal abortion up until her death in 2017.

2. 60% of Americans wanted legalized abortion. This was a lie.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was one of the main proponents of legalized abortion. He founded NARAL but later became pro-life. He admitted, “We persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal, enlightened, sophisticated one…. Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls. We announced to the media that we had taken polls and that 60 percent of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion.

3. One million illegal abortions had taken place in the U.S. - this was a lie.

The truth: The number of illegal abortions was a mere fraction of this.

Nathanson also admitted to additional lies admitted including that a million illegal abortions had taken place in the United States. In reality, he later said that number was “approaching 100,000” and that by fabricating this number, they were able to drum up support for abortion.

4. 10,000 women died annually from illegal abortions was a lie.

The truth: The actual number was around 300 — even less the year before Roe.

Senator Feinstein claimed the number of deaths from illegal abortion in the 1950s and 60s was between 200,000 and 1.2 million. She was completely wrong. Yet, the enormous lie that women were dying right and left from illegal abortion before Roe has been pushed for decades by pro-abortion groups who were trying to legalize abortion. Dr. Nathanson admitted this number had been fabricated as well.He said the real number was around 300 and that number had dropped consistently between 1930 and 1970 thanks to advances in antibiotic care.

In in 1972, the year before Roe v. Wade was decided, the Centers for Disease Control reported 39 maternal deaths from illegal abortion.

Killing preborn children has not helped end rape or poverty. It hasn’t helped women to receive equal treatment compared to men. All it has done is continue the lies that women are weak and incapable.

There are thousands of families who cannot have children and willingly want to adopt.

Abortion is nothing more than a cruel method used for killing innocent babies for the express purpose of implementing population control and designed as part of the plan to demoralize people into thinking it was acceptable.


In an conversation with a friend about abortion, she sent me a series of statistics in this area. In addition to the statistics she provided, she made some very interesting statements about the issue of abortion, that I really agree with her. That's why I would like you to read the writings of Sheila's dear friend, so that you can better judge the issue of abortion.



‼️‼️Abortion: killing like felon‼️‼️

Abortion is such an issue that sometimes crosses my mind.An issue that has been addressed by both moral philosophers and religious leaders. this literature shows that it is not very easy to judge. Now, apart from that complex debates that have taken place in such, that person who thinks about it understands that the fetus is the human being. but this man is only in the womb of a woman who is called a mother( out of happiness or misfortune!). that is, in order for a person to enter this world, he first needs to be in a safe and loving environment of the mother's womb. But, sometimes the mother, who is a safe place for a person to descend from the upper world, thinks about whether i should accept this person or not. This is really posed a serious challenge to me. How come when a human being is killed, all the news agencies raise the issue and feel sorry for humanity, but when the issue of abortion is discussed, everyone easily ignores it. As if our faith belongs only to things that we see with own eyes. Well, it is clear that this kind of belief is not the original thing for which Christ came. Christ always led us to the higher world to the unseen.

In other words, whereas a woman becomes pregnant, it means that it was a decision that was formed based on the will of God. But, abortion destroy the relationship of the creature with its own god in this world. It is a reckless act whose atonement destroys the person himself. As we know how much such a sin can take the sinner away from fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 49:5¦
The Lord who formed me in the womb to be his servant...' If you do perform an abortion then you kill a servant of God, God has a purpose for every life and so if you destroy a life how can it fulfil its' purpose.

thank you for sharing❤️🙏


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‼️ This is exactly what the leftists brings us by their freedom idea.

💡 Freedom is not about the size of your cage
or power of your wings or non-attachment to a person or a thing. Freedom is about being so truly, madly and deeply attached to your own soul that you can’t bear – if only for a moment – a life that doesn’t honor it.

The devil deceives us with many false and empty promises. Most of these relate to the lie that we will be happier and more fulfilled if we sin or deny aspects of the truth.

📖 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

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Jill biden urge parents expose their kids to something that has not yet been properly determined

vaccination should not be passed easily these days.

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as always, be part of the awareness chain

"So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. (John 8:36)

⁉️ The argument is as such God made man to be free. God also made reality moral man can not at the same time be free and be want of moral character.

💡 Hedonism is slavery whose product is corruption. So, a society which seeks to be free must also be moral, ethical, honorable. An immoral people can not defend what is right and can not stand for what is true. A free people that can not defend, that can not stand, are in bondage to its own blight.
And this is exactly what Satan wants from people to be enslaved by lust behind the mask of freedom.

So, their freedom is a fading thing.

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They do not need the citizen but the slave!

💡 The result of the current education system is the emergence of naive, obedient, secular, gay and nerveless persons who are easily deceived by the media and controlled by the system.

They don’t teach your children the skills and knowledge needed for their future life. instead, in a one-sided unfair dialogue, they teach your children that they should support homosexuality, sodomy, and immorality. And by creating a terrifying fear of not being vaccinated, they create an irresponsible and non-compassionate image of you in your children's minds. they teach your children to hate being white and being a Christian. Many of our children blame their parents for being white and religious because the education system has taught them this way.

‼️ Get your kids out of the idiotic school system! Home school or private school. SAVE OUR CHILDREN AND HUMANITY!

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⁉️ Today is National Immigrants Day, but it's not happy at all.

💡 Democrat, behind their humanitarian masks, welcome immigration policy to fill their ballot boxes, but it's you and your children who have to pay for it by tax, joblessness, and cultural problems. And when you want to talk about this issue, they label you as racist, anti-humanism and cold hearted.

This is not the first time in the history of this country that some politicians want to increase their votes and stay in power by the "open doors" policy at the cost of weakening the country. But patriots like Uncle Sam have always stood up to traitors.

Today, it's our turn to pay homage to the homeland and not to be afraid of the hustle and bustle of the media.

Share if you agree🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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📖 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

💡 The demons are united, darkness surrounds us and the Satan has risen. But we are still loyal to Lord and will not give up. Even if they shed our blood and pass over our broken skulls, the future is still ours. We will fight and fight again from generation to generation and cleanse the land of Lord from the filth of demons. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Onward, Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
going on before!
Christ, the royal Master,
leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
see his banner go! ✝️

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