DeLab Team

Гео и язык канала: Россия, Русский
Категория: Криптовалюты

The innovation-driven development team behind TVM.
For partners: @metasalience

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Россия, Русский
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🗄 DeWallet and DFC/TON liquidity pool!

☄️ Good day dear users! Weren't you waiting? We have good news for you! It's been a long time since we had something great, don't you agree? Let's change that!

📣 From today, we announce that all earnings from our DeWallet, will be distributed to the DFC/TON liquidity pool!

🔥 This is really, really hot news, isn't it? In addition, all of this will soon be followed by an update as well! Yeah, yeah, you're not imagining it!

📈 The update, which will bring a huge profitability, will affect the base of all users and will have unique tools that have absolutely no analogues!

✔️ By the way, we already have 1.7 million users in our DeWallet! Already soon we will cross the threshold of 10 million, so get ready!

🔜 See you very soon, dear users! In the meantime, stay tuned to our group, you will soon see a lot of new things for you!

⭐️ Our apps : | 💵 DeWallet,
📱 DeSim, 🛡 DeVPN |

218.8k 5 233 1.3k 5.2k

📞 Dear users, we send you a fiery greeting from our team, today we draw your attention to a very exciting announcement for both your opportunities and ours!

🔫 Currently, we are heavily involved in changing the environment in the field of DeFi and developing its future, so, for the moment, we announce that we are now on the lookout for professionals who would be really interested in this!

👤 Required candidate roles :

- Node.js Backend Developer (Middle+ / Senior)
- FunC Smart Contract Developer (Middle+ / Senior)

📁 If after our message, you are sure that you would like to work with our team to realize what we have in mind and you actually fit the skills for a certain role, then we are waiting for your resume at @psycholleoo

⚡️Join us to revolutionize DeFi!

535.5k 1 291 1.9k 7.5k

Финальный дроп этой криптанской весны ☀️

Провожаем прохладу очередной пламенной раздачей 🔥

Буквально только вчера подвели итоги и отправили 3000 победителям их призы на 15 000$$$, но Мета не собирается останавливаться и решил раздать еще столько же во имя массадопшена! 🚀

Объявляем очередной жаркий ивент под начало лета! 🏖

Простейшие условия! На этот раз вас ждут 4 подписки и пул в 15 000 баксов для 3000 счастливчиков!!! 💰

🟢DeFinder Capital 💵

🔴Meta Silense TONа 🧑‍💻

🟡Kitonomika Alex&Fai 🐳

🔵DeLab Team 💵

Итоги через 15 дней! Каждый день оцениваем в 1000$ для пользователей! 💵

502k 0 106 3.2k

Технические работы завершены - все сервисы работают

311.3k 0 17 159 1.2k

Если у кого-то не работают приложения - не беспокойтесь, Технические работы во всех сервисах до вечера

297.8k 0 19 108 925

🗄 DeSIM!

👋 Hi everyone, we're with good news, we finally got another one of our products connected, let's get right to it!

🔗 DeSIM - is an important project from under our wing! The main uniqueness of DeSIM is the ability to use mobile Internet anywhere in the world! Similarly with DeVPN , for your complete convenience, we have added the ability to buy our virtual sim card in TON and JETTONS!

🙂 Thanks for following us in our shared crypto world, we'll keep pleasing you!

Click, to go to:

➡️ DeSIM DApp

461.6k 1 183 320 4.5k

Репост из: TON Community
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Discover DeWallet

Introducing DeWallet, a non-custodial, secure, and user-friendly TON-based wallet available as a Telegram Mini App. It comes with an integrated token swap feature on the TON Blockchain. DeWallet offers support for Bitcoin 12-word mnemonic seed phrases, enabling recovery of jettons from Trust Wallet.

Security is a top priority for DeWallet, with user funds protected by a PIN code, ensuring safe storage. Access is convenient and can be done from any device that has Telegram installed. Thanks to private lite servers, DeWallet provides uninterrupted and smooth access, even during times of high network workload, without storing users' seed phrases on its servers.

An upcoming update will introduce staking mechanics, with support for other jettons expected in the near future.

Join DeWallet’s official channel and explore their Telegram Mini App.

242.2k 0 174 110 1k

Репост из: DeFinder Capital (DFC)
Команда DeLab прямо сейчас участвует в митапе, проходящем в Тбилиси в отеле "Мета" 😉 фотки с места событий... а наши представители от DFC тем временем уже готовятся к конференции TON в Дубае! DFCapital активно присутствует во всех сферах крипты 😎

111.4k 2 28 23 639

Репост из: Ton Breakfast Tbilisi 04.02
🇬🇪 TON Meetup в Тбилиси!

🗄 Гамарджоба, на связи команда DeLab! Мы рады сообщить, что в последнее воскреснье марта, в столице Грузии, состоится TON Meetup!

В рамках мероприятия, наша команда выступит с презентацией всех наших продуктов и устроит приятные активности, а именно:

- 🎨 Раздача уникальных NFT!

- 👕 Раздача мерча DeLab!

- ❓ Проведение секретных розыгрышей!

Вход бесплатный, а количество мест строго ограничено, поэтому скорее регистрируйтесь по ссылке и бронируйте себе место.

ℹ️ Место проведения: "Sky Hall" в элитном бизнес центре King David Residence.

- Адрес: Тбилиси, ул. Мераб Алексиздзе, 12.

- Дата проведения: 31 марта (воскресенье), 13:00 (GMT+4).

99.2k 0 50 30 519

🗄 DeVPN!

👋 Greetings, dear users! You probably weren't expecting or even guessing that something even more grandiose would be released so soon!

🥳 But we are happy to announce that it's already here! Before your very eyes, we are introducing our new product: DeVPN!

🚀 DeVPN - is one of the main projects of our team! We have worked long and hard to create a service where mostly will be speed and security, as well as access to the network anywhere in the world, but that's not all! To everything, we have added a convenient panel and a unique opportunity, in the form of payment plan in TON and JETTONS! Hurry up to use! By the way, the tariff plan, is very favourable! 🛍

💙 Well, that's all for today! Follow our updates online and in our group channel, we'll get you even more excited soon! Let's build a crypto-world together!

Click, to go to:

➡️ DeVPN DApp

100k 6 64 115 1.3k

🗄 Introducing @dewallet!

👋 Hel
lo everyone, from the DeLab team! Today, we are happy to announce that our DeWallet, got a new username! We finally moved from the old one and this is another of several global steps, on our team's journey! 🙋

🔎 Now, finding us has become much easier, to do so, just type @dewallet in the search!

🗒 Stay tuned!

106.8k 0 13 13 412

🗄 Pin code for DeWallet!

👋 Welcome back again, dear users! It hasn't been that long, but we are back with happy news!

✔️Today in DeWallet comes out an update, we decided that for your convenience, it would be better to use instead of the inconvenient password, a much more practical solution, namely pin-code!

⚠️ Don't be alarmed if your password is reset, it's normal. Technically, everything is the same as before!

🙏That's our mini update today, thanks for being with us!

🗄Update of DeLab Landing Page!

👋 Hi everyone, we're back on the phone and as you've probably realized by now, we're excited about something new again!

🎙 Today we present to your eyes, something obviously interesting 😏 To be more detailed, we finally updated our "headquarters", added a unique design, divided the information by blocks and many, many more new things! So, hurry up to see what's up and what's going on at this link 🖥

🔝Lately, the promotion of our team is in full swing! And we are happy about it, because we can bring you useful products and develop the TON ecosystem! Thank you for being with us, we look forward to surprising you even more! 😉

Wait for new events, they are very soon! 😮

🔗 🔗

🔄DeWallet 3.0 technical update!

Dear users, we send you greetings from the whole DeLab team! Today a major update of DeWallet has appeared before your eyes and we are happy to announce that many major bugs and issues have finally been solved! We invite you to use the new and updated DeWallet!

Change Sheet:

🖌 - New wallet design added

🛡 - Improved application security system

💎 - Added possibility to buy TON via bank cards

🧰 Also:

TON connect 2.0
- Fixed numerous bugs
- Added application acceleration
- Speeded up token exchange
- Added ability to create different versions of wallets for 12 and 24 word mnemo

To launch, DeWallet.

75.7k 1 70 69 278

Технические работы в DeWallet до 03.02.24

Приносим свои извинения

94k 0 5 19 208


💵 Карты, деньги, 8.000$, 300 участников, 9 кликов 🛩️

🏆 1. Подписаться на @Kitonomika
🐋 2. Подписаться на @delabteam
🦾 3. Подписаться на @betty_games
🚨 4. Подписаться на @LifeTheCrypto

💘С каждым приглашенным участником по реферальной ссылке - шанс на победу растет.

🍾 Результаты 03.02.2024 21:00 MSK

🍾 Работяги, скучали по новым розыгрышам? 🍾

🎉 Время пришло! Объявляем новую возможность бесплатно получить баблишка с призовым фондом 5000$ 🎉

🤑 Условия:
1. Быть подписаным @betty_games и @delabteam💥

🚨 Действует реферальная система, приглашая друзей и корешей, шанс на победу сильно увеличивается 🚨

💰Результаты будут подведены через 2 дня. 100 призовых мест!

🌟Hi everyone!👅

🦌We are happy to report that the past year has brought many exciting projects our way.

😱But in the coming year of 2024, there will be even more of them! There will be a lot of global projects, which we have already announced at the beginning of the year and will also delight you with something else interesting!

🍪We wish you good and bright emotions next year! In the meantime, stay tuned!

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🛠 DeWallet 2.1 technical update!

📝 List of changes:
- Fixed bugs and discovered flaws in UX and UI
- Fixed issues with swap functionality and interface
- Eliminated CoinGecko related request, now full dependency on TON API.
- Fixed bugs with transactions, improved TON and tokens balance output
- Privacy policy implemented
- Added checks for small amount of any token and insufficient TON balance for fee
- Introduced fee display and annotation for users

🤝 Come visit us at DeWallet and test, we will be glad to receive your feedback!

113k 2 29 19 143

🟥 Don't forget we have a chat, you can ask all your questions there

let's enter, soon there will be insights on our cool developments!

82k 0 15 1 89
Показано 20 последних публикаций.