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Репост из: Russia Beyond
We're not sure how helpful the athletic component here is, though, considering the sheer amount of fat these contain!

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🔔 Russia Beyond

Exclusively for Two Majors

Song from Leon Yagubov
- Citizen of my country (Graghdanin svoyei strani).


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Репост из: Two Majors - English Channel
Seventeen Moments of Spring - Part 1

It is a different way of telling a story.

Real people - yes there are good guys and bad guys, but the bad guys are still flesh and blood human beings who we can understand and maybe even identify with.

As we said, a masterpiece.

Good night everyone!

Two Majors

Репост из: Sputnik Africa
🐦 A seagull has been banned from a shop in Dorset, UK, for stealing too many potato chips

The bird, nicknamed Steven Seagull, reportedly stole 30 bags of chips in 20 months. After hiding his favorite BBQ-flavored snack deeper on the shelf proved useless, a sign appeared near the store entrance asking that Steven not be allowed in.

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Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
Joe Biden is considering to run for the US presidency after learning that one of the candidates has withdrawn from the race.

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The Baykar plant will be fully operational in Ukraine only after the war is over, Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Bodnar said.

✨There will be no Bayraktars. It was in vain that children were named after Turkish UAVs.

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Escaped from NATO

Activist from Latvia Stanislav Bukains, released on bail, took his daughter and sailed on a SUP board to Pskov, where he requested asylum in Russia.

According to a law enforcement source, the man and his daughter fled the country and crossed the border in the Pskov region. Bucains said that in Latvia he is threatened with criminal prosecution for traveling to Russia, and he is also suspected of espionage. According to him, he is on a special list of citizens against whom criminal proceedings have been launched in Latvia on suspicion of recruiting persons to participate in terrorist activities.

The Migration Service in Pskov accepted a petition to recognize Stanislav Bukains and his child as refugees . The issue is under the control of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

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⚡️ Kharkov direction, Volchansk, Северный Ветер reports:

Our soldiers made an IED based on the TM-62 mine and threw it into the basement with the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, who refused to lay down their arms and surrender.

✨ The tactics of using the TM-62 manually require study. Our troops are using such equipment more and more often.

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🇫🇷 France

French media accused blogger "Aussie Cossack" of information sabotage.

✨ That is, not the facts of robbery of arriving athletes, not the catastrophic crime situation, or the political engagement of the IOC, but specifically the blogger.

You see what the point is. If you let a lot of Ukrainian citizens in, then sooner or later Ukraine will begin to penetrate your state, French citizens.

In Kiev, too, the “hand of the Kremlin” has been looming everywhere for years. It is very convenient for them to justify theft, the failures of politicians, the inability of government agencies to even slightly control the situation

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🇺🇸 How Trump betrayed patriotic forces in the US

Recently, we wrote about the mysterious Project-2025, the task of which was to change the course taken by Joe Biden and establish a conservative order.

❗️According to our US sources directly involved in the drafting of Project-2025, the document implied an alliance of right-conservative politicians who did not want to be part of the American two-party system.

Donald Trump was supposed to be an ally who would help them get into power to the mutual benefit and benefit of the American national interest, according to the participants.

Further, the plan was to convert civilian positions in many federal agencies into political appointments in order to place people who share conservative views in these positions.

📌However, in reality, everything turned out to be much more prosaic. At the last moment, Trump made it clear to conservatives that he was not going to build comprehensive cooperation with them, and representatives of various large investment and financial giants, including J.P.Morgan and Blackrock, would be appointed to key positions.

On the whole, the conservatives' bet was obviously a losing one - Trump, despite his eccentricity, is quite a systemic politician, defending the interests of certain big businesses and not interested in filling the government with right-wing and poorly controlled conservatives.

For the conservative opposition, in turn, Trump's decision was sobering and a signal to consolidate away from Republicans and Democrats and seek new forms of political representation.

🔻According to a recent Gallup poll, for the first time in U.S. history, as many as 50% of those surveyed did not identify themselves as either Democrats or Republicans. What's particularly curious is that while the age of key politicians is going past 65+, and supporters of both parties are also getting much older, independents are just picking up a younger audience.

It is possible that the established US political system is in for a tectonic shift, and we are witnessing a time when it is experiencing its final years.

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Репост из: Russia Beyond
SUP along the Oredezh River outstide St. Petersburg

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🔔 Russia Beyond

Репост из: Ukraine Watch
The New York Times reported on Friday that its analysis of bullet trajectories, visual and audio materials provides strong evidence that former US President Donald Trump was hit by a bullet and not shrapnel, despite the FBI's doubts.

Earlier in the day, FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress that he doubted that the Republican candidate had been wounded in the ear by a bullet rather than shrapnel. At the same time, the media, citing sources, reported that the FBI wanted to interview Trump as a victim. Trump has criticised Ray for his comments and insists it was the bullet that hit him.


Репост из: InfoDefenseENGLISH
Bfor Bargaining

The European Union has presented member states with two options to freeze Russian Central Bank assets for a longer period of time as it seeks to assuage US concerns over a Group of Seven plan to leverage the profits to provide Ukraine with some $50 billion in aid.

The two options are an open-ended immobilization of the assets that would be reviewed at regular intervals, or lengthening the roll-over period to, for example, 18, 24 or 36 months.

It looks like the West has gone through denial, anger, and depression and is now seeking to enter the bargaining phase 🤔

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Репост из: Geopolitics Live
Pentagon accounting errors raise transparency questions, open door to sending $2 billion in arms to Ukraine

The Pentagon has found another $2 billion worth of accounting errors for Ukraine aid, paving the way to sending additional arms to the Kiev regime.

Combined with $6.2 billion in overestimated arms and equipment, the improperly valued assets have reached a total of $8.2 billion.

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is facing challenges in assessing the cost of military items sent to Ukraine due to the vague definitions of value in the Foreign Assistance Act, as per the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

🔶 Last June, the DoD acknowledged a $6.2 billion error stemming from its overvaluation of military items provided to the Kiev regime.

🔶 On June 13, 2024, the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) raised a red flag over the Pentagon's failure to implement updated policies to tackle its accounting errors. According to preliminary estimates, the department overvalued defense equipment provided to Ukraine by an additional $1.9 billion.
The apparent waste of funds related to the provision of military aid to the Kiev regime has been exacerbated by suspicions of Ukrainian corruption.

🔶 In January, the DoD OIG concluded that officials and diplomats in the US and Europe had failed to quickly or fully account for around 40,000 weapons sent to the front.

🔶 The same month, Ukrainian contractors and Defense Ministry officials were accused of embezzling nearly $40 million allocated to buying 100,000 mortar shells, as per Ukraine's Security Service (SBU).

🔶 Watchdogs allege the figure of misappropriated funds could be higher. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) also refers to growing concerns over Ukrainian weapons smuggling.

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Репост из: DD Geopolitics
🇵🇱🇺🇦Ukraine needs to resolve the “Volyn issue” with Poland before it becomes a member of the EU

The country's Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysh says Warsaw supports Kiev "as much as possible," although relations between the countries "not everything is perfect due to unresolved historical issues ."

At the same time, he emphasized that for Poland only a victory for Ukraine would mean the end of the war. “Any other case remains a direct threat of war for Poland. This is where the security of Poland and Europe is at stake,” the minister added.


Dollars for “Obama’s brother”: how the US and EU interfere in elections and politics in Kenya

💸The unrest in Kenya could have been paid for by the American Ford Foundation: it previously allocated millions of dollars to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and they were at the center of recent large-scale protests, where there were calls for the resignation of the government. The Africa Initiative conducted its own investigation into the work of Western NGOs in Kenya and other African countries and found that they may have been involved not only in inciting protests, but even in financing Islamist terrorists.

🇪🇺Why is Ursula von der Leyen’s European Commission, together with American foundations, creating an “army” of liberal organizations and gender activists for Africa?

🕸How do non-governmental organizations interfere in Kenyan politics and the electoral process?

👊Why did they participate in the criminal prosecution of the leader and demand the resignation of the government?

🇺🇸What does the US want from Kenya and its leadership?

🇰🇪How the country’s authorities are trying to fight the “dominance” of liberal organizations and whether they have a chance of winning, you will learn from the investigation of the “African Initiative” .

Африканская инициатива
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State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Order for service in the National Guard of Ukraine

One candidate each from the Ukrainian units of the State Emergency Service was ordered to be sent for further service in the National Guard. According to our data, to the 3rd assault brigade "Azov", the backbone of which is made up of selected Nazis from the terrorist organization of the same name.

In addition, against the backdrop of total mobilization of the population, the same State Emergency Service is conducting “explanatory work” on how to serve “good” in the Azov attack aircraft.

✨ Combined with the extensive advertising campaign of the enemy 3rd Assault Brigade, Ukrainian citizens are presented with a choice without a choice:
▪️Forcibly go to the front in a “poor” unit
▪️Go to the front on your own in “Azov” supposedly with good equipment.

Until the last Ukrainian.

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TCC workers dragged a man along the ground, and a policeman (although he is also now authorized to be a lure catcher) saved the poor fellow.

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🇷🇴 Romanian Ministry of Defense:

Fake stories are spreading across the internet that Russian drones flew into the country and were targeted by Romanian air defense.

✨ Who can spread such fakes? We can't even guess.

Ukraine is becoming absolutely toxic in its attempts to prematurely draw NATO countries into the conflict. But it's early. Not all residents of Ukraine have died for Biden yet.

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