Vlad Savchuk

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Rossiya, Inglizcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Discover the pivotal role of Jane Roe in the historic legalization of abortion.

With prayer we can be renewed, refreshed, and recalibrated.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
In the midst of grief, prayer becomes a lifeline. Seek comfort and strength in His embrace.

Our new E-Course, Beginner’s Guide to Prayer 🙏, is now available!

📖 Lessons include:
1. Building a relationship with God.
2. Prayer as a conversation.
3. Learning from Jesus’ prayer methods.
4. Praying with the right heart.
5. Establishing a disciplined prayer routine.
6. Overcoming obstacles to prayer.
7. Aligning requests with God’s will.
8. Praying on behalf of others.
9. Structured prayer patterns.

Enroll today for free at vladschool.com.

Is there life after death? How do near-death experiences of over a thousand people confirm everything that the Bible says? If you speak Russian but have never seen this amazing interview with John Burke, head over to my Russian YouTube channel and watch it there!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Discover the three ancient gods influencing American culture today.

3.3k 0 11 10 62

Singles: Save Your Marriage Before It Starts

1. Build your character more than you build your list of expectations.

2. High Expectations + Low Preparation = Great Frustration.

3. Deal with your demons. (hurts, traumas). No dating = deliverance.

4. Begin to set boundaries with the opposite sex now.

5. Find your well. Be involved in your church community (you are not going to find a man of God in a nightclub)

6.Be open to God’s plan (unexpected opportunities, it might not happen the way you expect).

7. Remove the myth that there is only “the one”.

3.3k 0 42 20 159

Forgiveness doesn’t always entitle a second chance. Because sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them another bullet because they missed you the first time.

3.5k 0 28 38 223

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Singleness is a state of wholeness, where you can grow, thrive, and discover your true self.

3.7k 0 17 12 171

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Abortion is the act of violence that kills the smallest and weakest innocent human being

4.1k 0 7 17 192

Start your day with God and watch your spiritual life transform.

4.2k 0 14 10 261

Be inspired by God’s healing power! A miraculous recovery from Chiari malformation.

Share your testimony at pastorvlad.org/testimony and let’s glorify the Lord together.

It’s not about the length of our prayer, but our consistency and persistency of when we pray.

4.1k 0 23 10 255

Disciples are not born, they are made

4.1k 0 16 7 159

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
God healed my migraines

4.6k 1 19 19 195

Prayer is a cry, a conversation, and a confrontation against the devil.

4.6k 0 13 7 192

What Prayer Causes

1. Prayer Brings A Reward

In Genesis 15:1, God tells Abraham, “I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”
God’s presence is the reward of prayer.

Sometimes you might not get the results you’re praying for, but God will still reward you for praying.

2. Prayer Brings Revival

Look at what happened when Jesus prayed in Luke 3:21-22:

• Heaven was opened
• The Holy Spirit descended like a dove
• A voice came from heaven
• Jesus’ face was changed (Luke 9:29)
• His robe became white
• Moses and Elijah showed up

Prayer not only brings us closer to God but also transforms us to become more like Him before changing our circumstances.

3. Prayer Brings Release

When it doesn’t remove the struggle, prayer will be an aid to renew your strength (Luke 22:40-42).

In difficult times, even when prayers seem unanswered, God will provide strength and comfort.

4. Prayer Brings Results

Prayer doesn’t change God but it can change everything else.

Whatever season you may find yourself in, find refuge in the shadow of the Almighty.
Remember that God will fulfill His promise, but He delights to answer your prayer.

5.1k 0 65 13 183

Stand firm in your beliefs and let your values guide your actions.

4.5k 0 5 11 184

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Satanism is not worship of satan, it is a worship of self

4.7k 0 19 8 170

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Discover the ancient deities and spiritual roots behind transgenderism

5.1k 0 13 12 99

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Healthy eating can breathe life into your body, while unhealthy choices can lead to illness and suffering.

5.2k 1 14 8 174
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