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Репост из: Fearless John - @European_dissident
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◾This weekend Zelenskiy regime organised a LGBTQ parade in Kiev in a show of Western values. The march had to be called off shortly after it started and the participants were advised to hide all LGBTQ signs and flags before being escorted by the police to the subway.

◾ Hundreds of far right militants, veterans and active duty members of the Ukrainian army staged a counter protest carrying flags of different Ukrainian Nazi organisations, including dozens of red and black UPA flags. The Nazis called for Zelenskiy's government to ban the "LGBTQ Sabbath and groups of deviated that pose a security threat to Ukraine". They were led by the infamous Russian Nazi traitor Dennis Nikitin, glorified by western media for his cross border attacks in Belgorod region using NATO equipment and tanks.

◾Only a week after Biden lifted the ban on weapons to the infamous Nazi Azov Battalion, this are the peaceful Ukrainians the Western world wants to integrate in the European Union.


The crew of the "Upyr" from one of the Northern units destroys a tower with control blocks, circular video cameras, and antennas. Electronic warfare did not help the enemy.

What is interesting about this battle is that the enemy got very angry and started looking for our group. They launched their FPV drones, some kind of Ukrainian Rubicon gang was working, they were desperately hammering the treelines with mortars, but the guys in the "Upyrs" are not made of paper. They first mockingly destroyed the equipment, then shot down the Ukrainian drones, and then calmly lit a cigarette and watched as the enemy in a fit of anger was hitting the empty hedgerows.

I remind you, friends, that the people's drone-kamikaze "Upyr" is truly people's. Anyone who wants to and has the opportunity to help with the purchase of components can do so by transferring to the card of the leading Radio Russia host Dmitry Konanyhin 2202206288336105.

The enemy will be defeated, humiliated and destroyed, and Victory will be ours

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🌎🇺🇸 On the Transition of Western AI Systems Under Full Military Control

The trend of using AI developments for military purposes, which we have highlighted through projects from Google and Israeli intelligence agencies, is rapidly gaining momentum.

❗️The leadership of OpenAI has appointed a former senior U.S. intelligence officer to the board of directors. The company's statement indicates that he will help protect the company that created ChatGPT from "increasingly sophisticated bad actors".

▪️Retired Army General Paul Nakasone was the commander of U.S. Cyber Command and the director of the National Security Agency (NSA) before leaving his post earlier this year.

▪️He recently joined the OpenAI board of directors. The company's board of directors is actively being reformed after the reshuffles last year.

📌 Let's recall that the previous board of directors suddenly dismissed CEO Sam Altman. But Altman was an excellent cover for major investors like Elon Musk and Bill Gates, who were behind the creation of the company. Moreover, Altman actively promotes LGBTQ values. The global elite could not afford to lose such a valuable employee, and a few days after the dismissal, he returned to his duties, and the board of directors was sent into retirement.

The OpenAI board of directors is technically a non-profit organization, but it also manages its rapidly growing business. And to restore order in this rainbow-colored company, the NSA leadership decided to send a retired intelligence general.

🔻The consequences of this appointment will undoubtedly be the establishment of total control over all requests in ChatGPT. All users of this chatbot must now clearly understand that they are "casually chatting" with an intelligence general.

All requests are automatically processed by AI to search for suspicious patterns, keywords, and connections indicating affiliation with cultural, ethnic, criminal, or terrorist groups. In the near future, the process of fine-tuning will be carried out, approximately according to the same parameters as in the Lavender system. When the system is ready, it will become one of the most effective tools for implementing social credit.

It is quite possible that in the not-too-distant future, in the Anglo-Saxon legal system, text entered in the bot may be recognized as extremist and used as a basis for criminal and/or administrative prosecution.

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Remember how the entire “civilized world” criticized Russia when legislative measures were being developed aimed at protecting children from LGBT propaganda and banning adoption to countries that cannot provide access to children? I remember. And I advise you not to forget.

I also remember how the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands in Moscow, back in 2013, convinced Sergei Lavrov that a ban on the promotion of homosexuality among minors was “unacceptable.”

When the Russian government restricted foreign adoptions to countries where gay same-sex unions are allowed, LGBT “human rights activists” in the West began citing Russia’s violation of its international obligations.

As Pushkin wrote, “The years passed. The rebellious gust of storms dispelled previous dreams.”

And now the Netherlands itself is restricting the rights to adopt children. The Kingdom's Minister of Legal Protection, Frank Weerwind, has introduced a complete ban on foreign adoptions.

According to the decision, with rare exceptions, no foreigners can be adopted by Dutch nationals.

An amazing thing has emerged: it turns out that hellish corruption in the so-called business is flourishing in Holland. adoption of children.
For several years, Dutch law enforcement agencies have been uncovering criminal schemes in which actual child trafficking took place. Babies from Bangladesh, Indonesia and Sri Lanka became commodities. The scale of corruption is so extreme that the Dutch decided to ban foreign adoption altogether.

It turns out that we are faced with yet another fantastic hypocrisy of the “Western guardians of morality”: when Russia was saving its children from being killed, like Dima Yakovlev, or being raised in the spirit of forced LGBT indoctrination, the Dutch who criticized us were already profiting from child trafficking.

Now about today's days.

There are currently about 30 thousand children from Ukraine in Holland. Can anyone guarantee that not a single child will become a commodity or just another sex toy for wealthy Dutch burghers? After all, Ukrainian children are already on Dutch territory and, in fact, have absolutely no rights.

We have already understood what the social adaptation system costs in Amsterdam, Utrecht and The Hague.

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The enemy shows a new Ukrainian surface drone "STALKER 5.0" worth 60 thousand euros

Declared performance characteristics:
▪️ speed 55-75 km/h and carry 150 kg of explosives
▪️ length about 5 meters, width - 1.2 meters
▪️range is 600 km
▪️Starlink system

✨ The enemy at the systemic state level is engaged in the production of MBEC.

Our developments, which periodically appear on the Internet, are, unfortunately, isolated in nature. Although this weapon could complement the existing ones and perform a variety of tasks.

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Rheinmetall repair plant in Ukraine, German press:

The German arms company Rheinmetall has opened a new plant in western Ukraine, where it repairs Leopard 1 main battle tanks and Marder infantry fighting vehicles.

They write that most of the Marder infantry fighting vehicles that come here for repairs were blown up by mines. If only the chassis is damaged, the Marder can be restored to working condition in three weeks.

The location of the Rheinmetall plant is kept secret because it is a target of special interest to the Russian army. “We are aware that as a tank factory we are always a strategic target for Putin’s Air Force.”

✨ It is reported that Rheinmetall also wants to repair Leopard 2 and other Western tanks in Ukraine in the future. Rheinmetall is one of the beneficiaries of the carnage in Ukraine.

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Yuzhnodonetsk direction

An important event was the liberation of Georgievka by the Russian Army. The battles for the settlement continued for several months from the moment our troops occupied Mariinka. According to available data, our troops also entrenched themselves on the outskirts of the adjacent settlement. Maksimilyanovka. Difficulties in Georgievka were caused, among other things, by numerous drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that attacked our advancing troops.

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“Everyday life of a soldier.”

Front-line cats!

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Репост из: Gaganauts of Geopolitics
🔥 Celebrating 20,000 readers of Gaganauts of Geopolitics!

❤️ We would like to thank each and every one of you for joining the Gaganauts of Geopolitics community! Your support and involvement is truly appreciated.

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Here's to many more insightful discussions to come!

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Репост из: Lord Bebo & Friends
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🇷🇺 Mariupol this week

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Репост из: 🇷🇺LEVI🇧🇾
wild 🤣

Репост из: Russian MFA 🇷🇺
👩‍🚀 #OnThisDay 61 years ago, Soviet cosmonaut & parachute enthusiast Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. Her mission aboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft was a complete world sensation, inspired millions of women in the Soviet Union and abroad.

The issue of launching a female cosmonaut was raised immediately after Yury Gagarin’s triumphant return from orbit. The goal was to compare the impact of outer space on male and female organisms and to study the possibility of launching civilian specialists into space in the future.

🚀 The Vostok-6 blasted off the Baikonur Cosmodrome on June 16 1963. The flight itself lasted for two days, 22 hours and 50 minutes, the spacecraft orbited Earth 48 times. Until now Tereshkova remains the only female cosmonaut to undertake a solo space mission.

🎖 Valentina, then only 26, lifted off as a Lieutenant and came back a Captain. Three days after landing, she was awarded Hero of the Soviet Union title. Later, she received Hero of Socialist Labour of Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Vietnam and Mongolia and became an honorary citizen of 18 Russian and foreign cities.

Tereshkova became the 6th Soviet cosmonaut, the 12th person in space and the youngest woman in orbit.

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